New Year New Moon New Energy ♑️🌙✨

We are no longer wishing ppl a Happy New Year instead we are wishing that you GET RICH! That’s the energy with this Capricorn new moon. We actually have 2 new moons this month. One in Capricorn today and the other in Aquarius later on this month. So those of you who operate on a new moon (white moon) cycle you may get 2 periods this month and no period next month. We usually have 1 new moon per month so this is a rare occurrence that will bring new beginnings into your vibration make sure you use this new moon energy wisely because there will not be any new moons for the month of february. 

New moons are a day of rest and solitude. It’s when the energy becomes still before it starts to culminate. This is a very intense new moon because we don't only have the sun and moon in capricorn but mercury, Venus, and Pluto all in Capricorn as well. 

With all this Capricorn energy flying around expect to see instant manifestations as well as tangible results. This cap energy is giving us exactly what we need to manifest a brand new start making it the perfect time to put a plan together that sets out exactly what you want from this year ahead. 

The power and strength of your intentions can set the tone for your next 6 months. This is an important time for envisioning and creating your reality for the entirety of the year.

New Moon Affirmation 

“I use all the grounding energies from the Capricorn new moon to commit to all that truly serves me”

- Forever Consciousness 

In 2022 Numerology It’s a 6 Universal Year

In Numerology, each calendar year adds up to a single-digit number, which holds a unique energetic influence & imprint. We all feel this energy, and it’s called the Universal Year.A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will experience the energy of a particular number during the entire year, from January 1 through December 31.

2022 is a universal 6 year which means it is a time to re-invent yourself -a journey of responsibility, relationship, balance, love, and healing.

When you look at the number 6, it resembles a little pregnant belly. The 6 year is truly pregnant with possibilities when the focus is on visionary plans, service to others and justice for all.

During this time it is helpful to ask yourself 

What are your long term goals and how do you plan to implement them?

What do you want to start building that’s worth your valuable time and energy?

Do you feel like your plans are coming to fruition even when you’re faced with adversity?

What is the wisest way for you to work and can you delegate tasks to people to minimize your work load?

Some suggested plan of action would be 

Consider starting a project that has probability of getting results 

Create a schedule or a detailed plan of action

The Benefits of Postpartum Yoni Steaming

Yoni steaming for postpartum recovery has a rich, robust, and global history. Unfortunately, with the onset of Western gynecology in the late 19th century, vaginal steaming was part of the wisdom lost though the banishment of midwifery. Thankfully, birthing people around the planet are revitalizing this practice. Indigenously Yoni steams were was and is still used to help the womb completely cleanse after birth. For those who have had C-section births...YOU can/need to do this to!! Vaginal steaming is a relaxing self care ritual that is good for the mind and heart and can even help with nursing. 

Here are eight ways you may experience the bountiful healing potential of postpartum yoni steaming.

1. Steam Aids in Clearing out the Lochia

Postpartum yoni steaming supports the complete cleanse of the uterus including the lochia, a mixture of blood and mucus. The steam helps loosen and liquify the lochia allowing for its release to occur more quickly and more completely. Clearing out the Lochia: * Helps reduce the chance of infection, of which a fever is often a sign * Reduces postpartum contractions * Helps the uterus get back to size and return to pre-pregnancy position * Helps the menstrual cycle return with a normal, optimal, and pain free period

2. Supports the tightening of the vaginal opening and vaginal canal

As these vaginal tissues tighten they are better able to hold the uterus in aligned placement. In turn, other organs return to optimal positioning which helps prevent prolapse.

3. Steam helps lift the uterus and neighboring organs back into place

Steam has a rising action and lifts everything back into place which is a critical aspect of postpartum healing. With organs back in place, incidences of bladder incontinence are reduced. Contrary to our cultural misbeliefs, incontinence is not inevitable. Rather incontinence is a sign of incomplete postpartum healing.

4. Steam reduces skin swelling

Yoni steaming postpartum helps swollen skin go back to normal.

5. Steam can help heal hemorrhoids

For optimal benefits for hemorrhoid release make sure you are positioned properly so that the steam reaches all areas of the pelvic floor, including the anus.

6. Increases circulation and disperses water retention

As unaddressed water retention turns to fat after 3-4 weeks, this may be why one study showed that postpartum vaginal steaming supported quickened weight loss.

7. Postpartum yoni steaming may addresses past period problems

After delivery, the cervix remains open for 4-6 weeks. So during your yoni steam for postpartum, the cervix is open. This makes it it an optimal time for for a full uterine reset. Birthing people who received a good cleanse from postpartum vaginal steaming have reported experiencing healthier periods after having given birth than they had pre-conception.

8. Vaginal Steaming releases Oxytocin, the feel good/ bonding hormone

Stimulation of the cervix and uterine walls releases oxytocin. As mentioned above, during postpartum yoni steaming the cervix is often open. This allows the steam to touch the vaginal canal and cervix and to stimulate the uterine walls. This happy/love hormone is also an important piece of the prevention of postpartum depression and oxytocin also helps support milk supply. IMPORTANT: Postpartum yoni steaming is only safe after the uterine arteries have closed. Proper herb selection and a personalized steaming schedule are critical for safety.

Our Wombs Are Our Portals For Dreams to Manifest ✨

For centuries the Divine Mother’s womb has been worshipped and recognized as the sacred place we all come from, the source of all life and all possibilities ✨. It is the Divine Mother’s creative power, through which she can manifest anything 🔮✨. It is the supernatural creative power of the Divine Mother hidden in every soul. Through your Womb Chakra aka your sacral chakra 🧡 YOU CAN CREATE ANYTHING. .

The entire Creation is hidden in you. Miraculous energy🌀 is hidden in you. It is hidden in the most powerful chakra in the human body, your Womb Chakra. This chakra is beyond all chakras and is a direct link, the direct channel, to Divine Mothers creation capacity.

Every human being, both men 🧔🏽and women 👩🏽, have a Womb Chakra in their soul but women also have a physical womb. This is a special gift from the Divine as it gives her the ability to give birth. 🤰🏽

This ability, whether she has given birth or not, is what, according to Vedic philosophy, makes women more powerful than men. Because we have the power to create another life inside of our body. 🤱🏽

Your Womb Chakra is your ‘creativity center’ 🎨🥁🎼, through which you can create anything in your life and in the world. It is the spark of creation that makes anything possible 🔮✨. When our womb chakra 🧡 is balanced we are more sexual, passionate and creative.

But when unbalanced we can experience reproductive issues, low sex drive, detachment, insecurity and lack of creativity.

5 Vitamins and Minerals to support you while on your period

5 Vitamins and Minerals to support you while on your period

Magnesium is an essential mineral for women on their periods because of the effect it can have on symptoms such as cramp and mood swings. Magnesium relaxes the muscles for example, to ease general discomfort in the stomach. This relaxing effect can also, in turn, help to regulate mood swings which often fluctuate during a period.

Many women choose to consume a magnesium supplement to help them through their period but you can also increase your intake of magnesium-filled foods to help symptoms as well.

Pumpkin seeds, spinach, salmon, kale and brown rice are all good sources magnesium


Women going through their period are likely to have low iron levels so at this time it’s important to up your intake of this valuable mineral. Low levels of iron can, after all, lead to issues such as fatigue, dizziness and headaches which will make period symptoms feel worse.

Omega 3

Many period symptoms such as cramps and headaches are caused by an inflammatory chemical called prostaglandin. Therefore, as omega 3 is anti-inflammatory, this should help to counteract the problem. 


Zinc is involved in the production of hormones including oestrogen and progesterone. When these hormones rise each month it stimulates the ovaries, bringing on a period. This means that zinc is important in the menstruation process.

There is also some evidence to suggest that zinc could help to ease severe menstrual cramps to allow women to continue with their regular routine.


Deficiencies in this can lead to fatigue and low mood which we all know are also symptoms of a period. Therefore, the problem is only made worse if you don’t get enough B vitamin

1010 ✨ Gateway Manifest Your Deepest Desires ✨

Purple New Arrival Facebook Post-2.png

Every month we are granted with an energy portal that allows us to heal and transform. This months energy gateway day is october 10th aka 1010 ✨. The 10th day of October (10/10) unlocks a powerful gateway of energy that is all about taking steps in a new direction.

It is also a powerful manifestation number that we can use to turn our dreams into reality.

10 signifies beginnings and endings with new beginnings comes endings. In numerology 1 represents postivity, originality, and self- assertiveness, new beginnings, a fresh start, and a new cycle. 0 represents the alpha-omega, the death-rebirth cycle. 

10/10 doubles this vibration, making it an extra potent time to manifest and to put plans into place in regards to what you want your life to feel like. Now is the time to use this energy to tap into infinite source to receive ✨ 

The number 10 is the discover of new possibilites, expansion, moving forward, personal development, finding your soul mission and purpose. The universe is reminding you to let go so that you can grow. Embrace positive thinking at this time, as you don't know whats going to happen or change in your life. It is now time to reclaim your power as a co-creator and take action accordingly. Know that YOU have the power to create your own reality. Stay relaxed, aligned and open to receiving new possibilies ✨

Tap into this very powerful 1010 Gateway energy portal meditation

Aries Full Moon 🌕 ♈️✨


Tonight we welcome our first full moon of the month! This month is pretty awesome and rare because we not only have a full moon on the 1st of October in fiery Aries but also on the 31st in Taurus as well. This type of double full moon energy is rare and only takes place every 2-3 years.  This particular full moon taking place this evening in fire sign Aries is going to be full of powerful emotions and forceful feelings. This moon will exude a lot of passionate energy in an already emotional lunar phase. So hold on tight! If you're familiar with aries energy then you know aries is ruled by Mars and are known to be assertive, bold, courageous, impulsive, and when in low vibrations, angry. 

This lunation can go one of 2 ways. You can channel this energy in a positive way and use this bold, courageous, fearless energy to break barriers in your life or you can be irrational, angry and impulsive. 

With mars in Rx square Saturn and with Chiron still in Aries. This lunation may force you to do some shadow work. You may be triggered by old wounds that may be reactivated. Be aware that your triggers are lessons that teach us not to react when provoked. Pay attention to what’s bothering you and transform the negative emotions and energy with movement or creative expression. Now is the time to think before you speak and seek balance. Wounds that still need healing and may cause you to overreact in situations. Release what is necessary so that you can start the month off fresh.

Also pay attention to your relationships. The sun in harmonious libra which governs partnerships and the moon in Aries which is all about self (me), this energy is asking us to seek balance when it comes to meeting your needs as well as the needs of others ie: your partner. 

Our favorite retrograde (Mercury) will go retrograde on the 13th, making you dig deep over what’s really important to you.

Take part in this Aires guided meditation and visit our online shop to purchase our 3 DIY Full Moon bath recipes for only $3.33 these bath recipes are great to do 3 days before or after the full moon and will be available for the next 48 hrs.

Happy Full Moon! 🌕

Benefits of Using Black Cohosh for fertility and Hormone Imbalances


Black Cohosh is, a member of the buttercup family, grows in North America. Native Americans traditionally used black cohosh for a variety of ailments. Black cohosh helps promote a strong, healthy uterine lining, and is recognized not just for its fertility benefits, but also for managing painful periods due to its anti-inflammatory properties black cohosh is promoted as a dietary supplement for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. It’s also been promoted for other conditions, including menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome, and to induce labor in women who want a more natural approach. When it comes to fertility. Black cohosh can also be used to stimulate your ovaries. However, it should only be used in the first half of your menstrual cycle to prevent problems. Studies show that taking 120 mg black cohosh from days 1 to 12 of menstrual cycle (improved pregnancy rate by 170% in clomid cycles) Below are a few ways black Cohosh can assist you.


1. Reduces got flashes

2. Night Sweats

3. Mood Swings

4. Heart palpitations

5. Vaginal Dryness


1. Regulates insulin levels

2. Eases PMS and menstrual cramps

3. Lowers LH and FSH / LH Ratio

4. Thickens the endometrium

5. Increases progesterone levels

Black cohosh is used in our divine vagina Yoni steam blends

General Advice for avoiding PMS & Cramps According to TCM

According to traditional Chinese medicine here are a few things you can do during your period to make it a more pleasant experience ✨

1. During your period, stay warm. Never sit directly on cold concrete or the cold ground. Do not swim in cold water during menstruation. Use a heating pad and mild stretching to alleviate cramps and low back pain. Avoid cold beverages and foods generally, but especially during this time. Drink hot herbal teas. Cold causes stagnation in the body as in nature. Cold freezes liquids by slowing down molecular movement.

2. Avoid vigorous exercise and sexual intercourse when bleeding. Meditative slow Tai Qi, gentle yoga, and walking are all excellent during the bleeding phase of your cycle.

3. Practice meditation, exercise regularly and use acupuncture to prevent pre-menstrual phase physical and emotional symptoms. If you need to, see a therapist. The anger and sadness that can appear and seem so “irrational” pre-menstrually are from your own mind and heart. The hormones may exaggerate what is there, but they can only work with what is inside you. They make it impossible to repress the stuff we otherwise ignore so as to keep going. Like the way, stuff comes up in dreams.

4. Use Moxabustion to warm the Uterus. You can have your acupuncturist do this, or do it yourself at home. Hold the moxabustion stick near your skin without burning yourself just over the uterus and ovaries. Have a friend hold it over your sacrum. It feels really nice. Otherwise use a heating pad. In Indonesia, after childbirth, they used to place women close to the fire to regain natural warmth lost by bleeding.

5. Take Chinese herbs that regulate your menstrual cycle if necessary, for heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, pain, PMS, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and endometriosis.

6. Use Sanitary Napkins, not tampons. Some women who dislike tampons like the menstrual cup instead of tampons. I am not sure that the cup causes any less stagnation of Qi than tampons–one collects the blood in a cup, the other soaks it up like a sponge. But many women I know say the cup feels less obstructing.

The bleeding period of our cycle can be a time of inferiority and reflection and should be treated with the same respect all of nature’s cycles deserve. Treat the emotional stuff that comes up seriously. Your period is a time for release and reflection. Take it as an opportunity to look at things you are normally too busy to.

This a time when a woman is the most receptive spiritually but also losing her life force energy at the same time. If you have a man in your life, this is a good time to ask him to step up to the plate and take over more of the domestic duties so you can rest, stretch, read a book, meditate, and take care of yourself. Probably you do that for him other times of the month, right? Teach your mate, male or female, to do acupressure massage on your mid back just below the rib cage along with the muscles lateral to the spine during or before bleeding. Gentle massage along the sacrum can be lovely, too.

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoni Steaming

What does the word "yoni" mean? 

The word yoni is a sanskrit word that describes the women's reproductive system in its entirety meaning "vagina", "womb" and "origin of life". 

Are yoni steam baths good for everyone?

Nope! Women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant, should definitely NOT do a yoni steam. The medicinal properties of the herbs can cause a fluctuation in hormones and can cause the uterus to contract which could be detrimental to the growing baby. Steaming also not recommended for women who have an (IUD) or implant as their birth control methods Women also should not steam while menstruating or when they have a present burning or itching sensation.

Will a yoni steam help me with my painful periods?

Yes we’ve had many women have success from using our steams for all types of menstrual related issues such as cramps, heavy bleeding, headaches, etc.

I suffer from vaginal odor what products should I purchase?

Our yoni bar is great for preventing and eliminating bacteria and odor from your vulva. Our yoni steams is great for eliminating bacteria from inside your yoni basically cleansing you from the inside out.

What should I expect after doing a steam?

It is likely that steaming will change the course of your menses. There is often a great deal of material that is built up and left inside of your womb, which is expelled after doing the yoni steam. The herbs have a powerful effect on the uterus -- cleansing and toning what needs to be healed. Sometimes this means your flow will change and be heavier than usual the first couple steaming sessions, especially if you haven’t had a cycle in a long time. Ultimately, after doing several treatments, your following cycles will be much more consistent, and you'll feel relaxed, rejuvinated, and revitilized. Emotionally, you'll feel your body letting go of past traumas, and you'll feel more connected to your body than ever before.

 Does yoni steaming really work?

 Modern science would likley say no. However, yoni steaming is a remedy that has been passed on from generation to generation. Women in ancient cultures have shared success stories among one another, and they are just now beginning to be shared with us. I highly recommed reading Red Tent to learn more about the sacred beauty of woman-hood. Steaming has changed my life and the lives of many women that I have been blessed to work alongside in their healing journeys.

How often should I do a yoni steam?

As part of an overall self-care regime, I would recommend that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating. Women who suffer from pain, bloating or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two to three times within the week before menstruation. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. Expect to steam for three months before seeing full results. For the postpartum, a yoni steam may be done three times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding). Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times per year for maintenance, but may steam more often if it feels right. For chronic challenges, you may want to steam up to three times per week to ensure the greatest results.

When is the best time of the month to steam?

You can steam at any time of the month, as long as you are not menstruating. It is typically recommended that for treating menstrual pain, you do you at least two vaginal steams in the week leading up to your period. After doing so, you will likely see a change in the fluid you pass when your period begins. You may also steam once after your cycle ends, to clear out any excess materials.

How long after birth should I wait to steam?

We recommend waiting at least a week after giving birth, just to give your body some time to heal on its own before introducing the warm steam. Obviously, in cases of extreme bleeding or hemorrhaging, a yoni steam would be contraindicated. There is not a point at which it is too late, as you will receive the benefits any time you decide to steam. Women who choose to do their first steam 4 or more months after giving birth often report getting their first cycle, even while still breastfeeding.

How is vaginal seaming beneficial for women pre- or post menopause?

Teacher of Maya medicine Rosita Arvigo states that women who have gone through menopause should still steam at least three times per year, especially in the year after ceasing menstruation. Doing so, she says, women will still pass some dark colored dryish fluid each time. Rosita sees this as a matter of cleansing the uterus of any leftover materials, and she states, "better out than in!". Of course, this is not to imply that the woman's body is not capable of cleansing itself. Its just another opportunity to support our bodies to complete the miraculous tasks they already know how to do! Other experts, such as the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism, say that vaginal steaming can help eliminate pre- or post-menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, discomfort, and pain with intercourse.

I've had a partial or total hysterectomy. Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming for me?

Yoni steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for women who have had a hysterectomy. Even though the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and it, too, can benefit from the warmth and cleansing properties of the herbs. Steaming is also great for increasing circulation, eliminating odor and eliminating bacterial infections such as yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis. 

Can I use essential oils instead of herbs?

Essential oils should not be used in place of herbs as they are far too strong for this purpose and can cause damage.  You should only use fresh or dry herbs.


James Marion Sims: The Father of Gynecology

Happy Friday Queens! It’s feminine Friday and in light of everything going on in the world at this time, I wanted to shed let on how gynecology was founded and how the vaginal steaming practice can be considered anti racist or pro black in a sense.

James Marion sims aka the father of gynecology was a former slave owner and founder of modern surgical gynecology and was arguably the most famous American surgeon of the 19th century.  Sims was known for using his slaves (mother and children) for gynecological experiments.


His most significant work was the development of a surgical technique for the repair of vesicovaginal fistula, a severe complication of obstructed childbirth.

Critics say Sims cared more about the experiments than in providing therapeutic treatment, and that he caused untold suffering by operating under the racist notion that black people did not feel pain. They say his use of enslaved black bodies as medical test subjects falls into a long, ethically bereft history of medical discrimination that includes the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and Henrietta Lacks. Sims had very little For a long time, Sims’s fistula surgeries were not successful. After 30 operations on one woman, a 17-year-old enslaved woman named Anarcha who had had a very traumatic labor and delivery, he finally “perfected” his method—after four years of experimentation.

 Afterward, he began to practice on white women, using anesthesia, which was new to the medical field at the time. While some doctors didn’t trust anesthesia, Sims’s decision to not use it—or any other numbing technique and believed based on his misguided information that black people didn’t experience pain like white people did. It’s a notion that persists today, according to a study conducted at the university of Virginia, and published in the April 4, 2016 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In the 1850s, Sims moved to New York and opened the first-ever Woman’s Hospital, where he continued testing controversial medical treatments on his patients. His statue sits opposite the New York Academy of Medicine in Central Park, New York City, as well as in South Carolina and outside his old medical school.


Activists have been working to remove the Central Park statue for several years. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed that Sims’s statue is one of the monuments under assessment in his 90-day review of “symbols of hate.”

It’s time that we educate ourselves on how to take our power back when it comes to our bodies. They’ve been trying to take our voices for far too long! Ive became a womb healer because I genuinely care about the reproductive health of all of you. These doctors are out here creating genocide with our lives in so many ways. Making us sterile with birth controls, prescribing hysterectomies for fibroids, killing us during child labor. Taking your reproductive health into your own hands and healing naturally is imperative. Vaginal steaming is a sacred practice that’s been around for centuries. Most known by midwives, medicine women and doulas this ancient herbal cleansing method allows you to tap into your goddess power while healing your womb naturally of any imbalances that occur in the womb. If you’re ready to take your feminine power back click the link to find out what Vaginal Steam is best for you!

Are You Suffering From Fibrocytic Breast Disease?

Formerly referred to you fibrocystic breast disease (FBD), fibrocystic breasts are characterized by lumpiness and discomfort in one or more breast’s. Affecting more than 60% of women, this condition tends to be an issue for woman primarily between the ages of 30 and 50 , with impact diminishing after the age of menupause. 


Women with irregular menstrual cycles seem to suffer more severe symptoms of fibrocystic breast, likely due to the prolonged and irregular hormonal stimulation of the breast. Symptoms also tend to be most severe right before the menstrual period due to the increased estrogen to progesterone ratio.

Under active thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Iodine deficiency which can cause the cells to be more sensitive to the effects of estrogen.

Increased estrogen, decreased progesterone 

Nutritional deficiencies 

Liver Congestion 

Bowl toxicity 

Overconsumption of meat and dairy products 

Doing regular self examinations allow you to take the time to know your breasts in terms of how they look and feel. When you are mindful and aware of your body parts, it is easier to detect when something has changed. Not all breast cancers can be found through a physical examination so it’s also important to stay up to date with your annual check ups. 

Touch Your Tits

Doing regular breast exams allows you to get in tune with your body to where you know what is considered normal when it comes to the shape and size of your breasts. Knowing how they look and feel on a regular basis will allow you to know what’s wrong if something changes in your breasts on the day to day. Not every form of breast cancer can be found by a physical breast exam so it is also important to get yearly mammogram check ups from your doctor. 40% of breast cancer diagnosis are detected by women who feel a lump in their breast, so establishing a regular self-exam is very important. The best time to give a self examination is in the shower or in the mirror. The best time to do a monthly self breast exam is about 3 to 5 days after your period starts. If you have gone through menopause, do your exam on the same day every month.

A self exam consists of you placing your left arm up to the back of your head. With your right hand exam your left breast. Moving your hand in a clockwise motion feel for any lumps with your fingers. Repeat on the other side. Visually look at yourself in the mirror and look for any irregular discharge, dimpling of the skin, and irregular shape. 


Can The Chemicals in Your Pads Be The Reason Why Your Periods Are Heavy?

Although we have periods and our body naturally cleanses itself every time we have our cycles, our uterus sometimes holds back blood clots, mucus and stagnated blood that is left behind during your menstrual cycle. This includes pinned up stress in the womb, the energy of past relationships/ partners, emotional traumas, rape or abuse, all of this remains physically trapped inside our womb aka (sacral chakra). 


We have to also be mindful of the sanitary napkins that we use if you aren’t consciously purchasing organic tampons or pads than your favorite tampon or pad is more than likely filled with a bunch of chemicals. The collection of chemicals that our bodies receive on a monthly basis is insane. The chemicals found in these products oftentimes is what contributes to yeast infections, BV, PCOS, irregular periods, fibroids, etc. We have to purge ourselves of all these toxins. Vaginal steaming, feminine teas, women’s wellness bitters and incorporating alkaline based lifestyle will help you ladies get your wombs to a healthier functioning reproductive system.

A healthy period is 4 days in length. No cramps, no blood clots, no brown blood at the beginning or end of your cycle. Don’t feel bad if you don’t have a healthy period because unfortunately many women don’t have a healthy menstrual cycle.

Get started by treating your yoni right by visiting our shop section to purchase a pack of our Organic Pads!