“Can the Mirena IUD Cause BV? What You Need to Know”
Many women choose the Mirena IUD for long-term birth control, but some experience an unexpected side effect”recurring bacterial vaginosis (BV). If you’ve noticed changes in your vaginal health since getting an IUD, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into why this might be happening and how to support your body naturally.
What is BV?
Bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance in vaginal bacteria, often leading to odor, discharge, and discomfort. While it’s not an STI, it can be persistent and frustrating.
How Mirena Might Contribute to BV:
• Hormonal Shifts: The synthetic progestin in Mirena can disrupt vaginal pH and alter the balance of good bacteria.
• Foreign Object in the Uterus: Any IUD can create an environment where bacteria thrive.
• IUD Strings as a Bacterial Carrier: The strings can hold bacteria, making recurrent infections more likely.
• Changes in Cervical Mucus: Mirena can increase vaginal discharge, which may lead to an overgrowth of bad bacteria.
Natural Ways to Support Your Vaginal Health:
• Probiotics & Fermented Foods - Support healthy bacteria with probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, or take a high-quality probiotic.
• Hydration & Nutrient-Dense Foods - Drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E to support your body’s natural defenses.
• Herbal Support - Herbs like garlic, calendula, and chamomile have natural antibacterial and healing properties.
• Yoni Steaming - Gentle herbal steaming can help restore balance and support overall womb health.
• pH-Friendly Intimate Care - Use a natural yoni wash that supports your vaginal flora without stripping it. (P.S. Check out Be You Beauty’s Yoni Wash! or if you’re a bar type of girl check out our best selling Yoni Bar!)
If you’ve noticed persistent BV after getting an IUD, listen to your body. While Mirena works well for some women, others may find that it disrupts their vaginal health. If symptoms continue, consider talking to a holistic practitioner about alternatives.
Menstruating With the Moon
Menstruating with the moon and having your cycles sync with the moon is a real thing. For centuries people have wondered whether our periods are affected or linked to the moon. There’s no coincidence that our periods are often referred to as “‘moon cycles” or that our menstrual cycles are 29 days, the same as the lunar cycle. We also know that the moon has influence over our emotion and the tides, so why wouldn’t it have control over our internal tides of the menstrual cycle?
In Greek culture the work “menstruation” derived from the latin and greek word for the moon, mene. In Ancient Greece, physicians believed that the moon and the monthly menstrual cycle were linked. During a woman’s period of menstruation, she was thought to be spiritually and mentally powerful. Have you ever paid attention to how your period syncs up to the phases of the moon? Just like we have 4 seasons, 4 moon phases, we also have 4 phases to our menstrual cycle.
Menstrual or new moon
Follicular or waxing moon
Ovulation or Full moon
Luteal phase or Waning Moon
One way to connect to your womb is to pay attention to what moon phase your period comes in and what exactly it is your womb is trying to express to you at that particular time. You will switch from one phase to another depending on where you’re energetically at that particular time. You maybe on a red moon cycle for 6 months then switch to a white moon cycle paying attention to when you have your cycle is how your womb speaks to you.
There are 4 phases to the moon. We have the white moon (new moon), pink moon (waxing moon), red moon (full moon) and the purple moon (waning moon.) You can learn a lot about where you’re energetically by knowing what moon phase you have your period in. Unfortunately women who are on birth control can’t really sync their cycles with the moon because women on birth control don’t ovulate.
White moon bleeds on the new moon and ovulates on the full moon. You’re connected to the fertility of the earth and ready to birth a baby or new projects.
Pink moon bleeds on a waxing moon and ovulates on a waning moon. You’re ready for transformation and growth.
Red moon bleeds on a full moon ovulates on a new moon you’re a healer, high priestess or a shaman.
Purple moon bleeds on a waning moon and ovulates on a waxing moon. Your life is becoming more peaceful and quieter.
What phase do you have your period in? Drop it in the comments below.
Your Womb is a Sacred Space that holds generations of Trauma
A female is born with all the eggs she’ll ever have in her lifetime. Each of us spend 5 months in our grandmothers womb. Our cellular life begins as an egg in our grandmothers womb when she is pregnant with our mothers. Nearly all of us were conceived in our mother’s womb and most would consider this as the point in time when we started our life. However, the egg that we came from was not made by our mother, but by our grandmother. We are far more connected to our grandmothers than most may realise. The food she ate, her habits, her emotional state and her overall health actually constitutes towards the formation of the eggs inside her daughter, the same eggs that years later become you. Our foundations go all the way back to our maternal grandmother, this is why grandmothers are so important and this is why when you heal your womb you’re healing the womb of your daughter, your mother and your grandmother. You’re literally healing generations before and after you.
Stories that you carry in your womb isn’t just yours. Your mother and grandmothers experiences triumphs and traumas shape how you live your life today. Have you ever sat with your mom or grandma and asked her about your birth story or your mothers birth story? Was she happy and over joyed during her pregnancy or was she stressed, depressed, anxious, etc. was she happily married or cheated on? Was she physically abused? Did she experience a death in the family in the 9 months that she was pregnant with you? All these feelings all these emotions and experiences are passed down to you while being in the womb. Every feeling, thought and emotion is felt by the baby.
If your mom was depressed during pregnancy you will more than likely be depressed. In a study that was taken place with mice that were purposely stressed out and traumatized. There off spring held 5 generations of trauma. Now imagine you possessing 5 generations of un healed trauma in your womb. If you’re reading this blog and you came here with a womb then you’ve more than likely been chosen by your ancestors to heal your lineage. Especially as a woman of color we’ve been through so much our ancestors have been through so much trauma and it’s your job to transmute the trauma. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it. This is how powerful you’re as wombman you literally hold the key to creation in between your legs and I’m sure your ancestors wouldn’t have chosen you if you weren’t good enough to take on the task.
How to heal your womb from generational trauma
Vaginal steaming is one of the best ways to heal your womb from trauma that stemmed from generations. All of our emotions, shame, guilt and disease start in the womb space. When a women’s womb is out of balance, everything else in her life mentally, physically and emotionally. The womb is where both life and death happen, new beginnings and endings take place in our wombs. Yeah we may perform a Yoni Steam throughout the month so that we balance our hormones or so we don’t have painful moon times but on a energetic level, where do you think any of that stems from? It stems from the trauma we’ve experienced in our birthing process or before we came here.
It’s unbelievable how many women sit on a one of our Yoni steams and tell me they’ve healed their mother wounds after they’ve went through years of un forgiveness and trauma with their moms and let it all go in one of our sessions.
The other day I was co-creating a goddess circle and my client literally sat on the steam with the intention to heal her past family traumas and when she got off the steam there was a heart in the water. I couldn’t make this up if I tried not only was it beautiful but that was a confirmation that she’s doing the inner work and the healing for her lineage and that her ancestors were happy.
There’s a beautiful poem by Nakhena Evans called “And I call myself a Wombman” it’s one of my favorites. Many of us call ourselves wombman and we don’t even know what it means to have a womb. The power we possess I mean they dont call it the power of the pussy for no reason. Its time that we take sovereignty our wombs and our healing. Being “Coochie Confident” isn’t just about keeping your Yoni tight and wet for your man or making sure you smell fresh and pH balanced on the daily. Now don’t get me wrong all these things are great but when your Coochie is Confident your inner feminine is healed, you’re a bad ass goddess that’s doing the work for not only yourself but for everyone that stands before and after you. Having a Confident Coochie makes your ancestors proud because when you heal the womb you heal the woman.
Click here to book a consultation or visit our online shop if you’re ready to start your womb healing journey with us!
The 4 phases of your menstrual Cycle
Just like the moon we go through phases. Each month our wombs go through 4 seasons.
🩸Menstrual phase (winter)
You can think of your period as the end or the beginning but like winter menstruation is a time that you may feel like hibernating. This is your actual period. During this time both progesterone and estrogen are low. When you bleed you are shedding the lining that has developed from your cycle but you are also releasing emotional and spiritual energy that has built up in the uterus.
Stay hydrated is important during your period. As well as eating nourishing foods that can warm the womb and since iron, an essential mineral, is lost along with that blood during the menstrual phase it’s important to eat foods rich in iron, such as dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, beef, chicken, dark chocolate and herbs like nettles, dandelion.
🩸Follicular phase (spring)
During the follicular phase it’s kind of like a rebirth we literally just went though winter and shedded what no longer serves us. The spring of your menstrual. The time between the 1st day of your period and ovulation. During this time estrogen rises as an egg prepares to be released. Your follicular phases is a wonderful time to tap into your creative energy, work on creative projects, visit friends and of course contemplate your dreams. During this phase your pms has subsided, your skin is clearing you may feel more social it’s like you just got your mojo back. This is a great time to network and start new projects.
During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, your body tends to rely more on carbohydrates for energy versus fat or protein. You may crave more bread and pasta during this time, so listen to your body and increase carbs a bit. Try to stick with complex carbs like fruit, whole grains and starchy vegetables like potatoes. And don’t forget to stay hydrated. Elevated hormone levels can influence your body’s hydration levels, so it’s important to drink plenty of water.
🩸Ovulation phase (summer)
During the ovulation phase this is when our wombs energetically switch from yin to Yang energy this is why when we ovulate or when we are trying to get pregnant we are taught to test our temperature because we literally get hot which is Yang energy this energy lets us know if we’d like to, now is the time to make a baby or even birth something new. Just as spring leads to summer, the follicular phase of your cycle leads to ovulation. Egg is released from the ovaries mid cycle making this the ONLY time you can get pregnant. Many women have more physical, sexual, and creative enrgy as they reach ovulation making them more outgoing and confident.
Our dietary choices can have influence on ovulation. Antioxidant-rich foods and foods with vitamin D and folic acid. Foods such as salmon, mackerel, flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts are all rich in essential fatty acids, while foods like blueberries, blackberries and dark leafy greens are rich in antioxidants.
During this phase women need carbohydrates that’s are low glycemic. Carbs, such as most fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, minimally processed grains and low-fat dairy products, are generally considered low-glycemic index foods and great to eat during the ovulation phase.
🩸Luteal phase (fall)
The luteal phase is the fall season. In this season we maybe a little more aggy than normal this is when the pms starts kicking in, it’s a time for us to start to tune inward and get ready for the winter. Our periods characterized by an energetic shift from creative and outgoing to somber and introspective. Fall has a certain calmness to it as the hustle and bustle of summer ends. This is the time before ovulation and before the start of menstruation. When the body prepares for a possible pregnancy.
During the luteal phase when your body is busy working to prepare for a potential pregnancy, you tend to use more fat for energy and protein is broken down at a higher rate. It’s important to focus on getting healthy fats from foods like fish, nuts and avocado and have an extra protein-rich snack each day during this phase. While you are navigating through food cravings, try to include foods that are nutrient-dense—add calcium rich foods like tofu, white beans and dark leafy greens and magnesium rich foods like dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds and cashews or a magnesium supplement. Eating foods rich in iron are also essential at this time.
Non invasive alternatives to healing fibroids
Uterine fibroids are non cancerous tumors that grow within the wall of the uterus. Fibroids, known as leiomyomata, can vary in size and numbers and maybe accompanied by infertility, miscarriage , and early onset of labor. 50-75% of women will suffer from fibroids in her lifetime that’s 1 in 5 women over the age 35. Black women in the U.S. are 3 times more likely than white women to develop uterine fibroids and are 2 to 3 times more likely to undergo surgery.
Researchers have found a number of elements that are linked to this disparity, though no cause had been identified. Here’s what we know:
There may be some genetic element that increases this tendency among African-American women.
Another study suggested that greater overall lifetime stress might help trigger fibroids.
Some evidence suggests environmental factors, such as diet or a history of abuse, increase the risk.
Another study pointed to a Vitamin D deficiency due to darker skin.
One of the most unusual – and possibly controversial – connections seems to be with hair relaxer.
To do the job, hair relaxers contain hormonally-active compounds and harsh chemicals, some which even cause burns on the skin.
A study of more than 23,000 African-American women found increased risk of fibroids among those who had the longest and most frequent use – and most burns – from hair relaxer.
Women living in the South with higher educational attainment, higher income and white-collar jobs registered the most frequent use of hair relaxer and, therefore, the greatest risk of early and more severe fibroids.
There are 4 different types of Fibroids
Fibroids are classified by there location and can range in size from the size of pinhead to that of a 9 month baby. Their growth rate is usually slow but will thicken and grow quickly due to stress. Estrogen is one of the leading causes of new fibroid development.Fibroids that are inside the cavity of the uterus are called introcavitarymyomas will cause bleeding in between periods also known as metrorrhagia and often cause severe cramping.
Submucousmyomas are partially in the cavity and partially in the wall of the uterus. They too can cause heavy bleeding between periods.
Intramural myxomas are fibroids that are in the wall of the uterus and ca nrange from microscopic to the size of a grapefruit. Doctors often say these type don’t cause problems unless they get large however the goal is for them not to ever get large so taking care of your fibroids as soon as you find out that you have them is important.
There are 2 types of fibroids that are in the walls of the uterus. Subserousmyomas are on the outside of the walls of the uterus and may even be connected to the uterus another type of fibroid. They also say that they don’t need treatment unless they grow large but also states how these types of fibroids can twist and cause pain. This is why as I recently mentioned the importance of taking care of your fibroids early.
Women whose fibroids cause heavy menstrual bleeding may become anemic over time. Women with large uterus may not be able to eat normally as the fibroids can be leaving little room which can make it uncomfortable to eat. This is how women with fibroids can also become malnourished.
Types of foods to avoid when you have fibroids
If your are trying to manage your fibroids and maintain or shrink their current size, balancing your hormones naturally is a first great step. Your diet has a huge impact on your hormone levels which is why it is one of the first areas you can apply changes.
• High-Fat, Processed Meats – Red processed meat is known to be high in added hormones, particularly estrogen.
• High-fat Dairy Products – Conventional dairy can contain high levels of steroids, hormones, and other chemicals that promote inflation.
• Foods High in Salt – Highly salted foods are hard on your liver, which is the organ that is most responsible for removing toxins and balancing hormones.
• Refined Carbohydrates – White foods such as pasta, white bread, white rice, cakes, and cookies have been known to alter estrogen levels, causing fibroids to increase in size.
• Refined Sugar – High consumption of sugar can result in inflammation and weight gain; there is an association between weight gain and hormone imbalance.
• Caffeine – Too much caffeine puts additional stress on your liver, discouraging the organ from working the way it should (think: balancing hormones!)
• Alcohol – Over-consumption of alcohol can lead to inflammation of the body and reduced immune function. Reducing or eliminating alcohol can help promote a healthy balance of hormones
Supplements may also help shrink or maintain fibroid size. Vitex, fish oil, and B-complex are a few supplements that have been known for creating a better hormone balance. Additionally, the fatty acids in fish oil (or cold water fish) may help fight inflammation that could contribute to fibroid growth. Be sure to speak with your physician before introducing new supplements into your diet.
Foods to buy when you have fibroids
Organic foods
Leafy greens
Whole grains
Foods high in iron ( grass fed beef and legumes)
Beta Carotene rich foods such as (carrots and sweet potatoes)
Treatment Options
While most doctors would often times just recommend hysterectomy procedures I am against this for so many reasons. I think its a genocide to black women to be prescribed hysterectomy procedures for fibroids when there are less non invasive alternatives that also a women to keep her uterus. There is a case last year where a medical doctor treated her uterine fibroids. with a consistent yoni steaming practice. After consistent steaming for 6 months, her ultrasound showed that all 3 of her fibroids had decreased in size. The first went from 11cm to 8cm. The second went from 7cm to 4cm and the third went from 6cm to 3cm. The doctor attributed the reduction of her fibroids to the vaginal steaming she had been doing and decided that she was going to take it more seriously after seeing the results.
If you’ve bent the gynecologist and have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids and would like to take a more natural approach to your healing as opposed to doing invasive procedures like a myomectomy or hysterectomy book a womb healing consultation to learn more..
Common Misconceptions of Yoni Steaming
Today I want to share with you some of the common misconceptions that I often experience as a yoni steam practitioner from women who aren’t familiar with the practice. I hope that if you’re a goddess that is on the fence about starting your yoni steaming practice that this information is helpful to you.
Steaming caused my BV to get worst
Green fishy discharge is often one of the main signs of BV. When this discharge appears after a steaming session one might think that steaming may have worsened their BV. However steam can't introduce mucus into the vaginal canal. So if you see green discharge after your steaming session it is important to understand that the steam encouraged the discharge to exit your body but didn't create it.
When steaming for BV the steam plan is to remove the irregular discharge so the bad bacteria no longer have a place to thrive and so the good bacteria can re-populate. So if you see green discharge after your steaming session it's okay and encouraged. If you are using yoni steaming for infections working with a yoni steaming professional is helpful to understand what to expect and how to interpret a successful outcome.
Steaming caused me to get a yeast infection
If someone wants to yoni steam for yeast infection purposes. It is important to understand that when you're steaming with this intention which in this case it would be to remove excess mucus from the reproductive organs so that the yeast can no longer thrive in the vagina. So in this case seeing clumpy discharge in your steaming session is encouraged.
Steam cannot introduce mucus into the vagina. Steam is water and it cannot create thick mucus in the reproductive organs but it does help drain it out Just as a shower might help drain nasal congestion. a vaginal steaming session may drain the mucus that may be sitting in the vaginal canal.
Steaming caused my cramps to get worse
You usually will not experience cramps if you practice this. However, occasionally yoni steam users report an increase in cramping after yoni steaming. The majority of these experiences stem from women who use plug-in products such as tampons which restrict the blow flow and cause the uterus to contract aka cramp. If someone has a substantial amount of old residue in their womb steaming will help loosen that old residue.
As a steam user, you have to understand that the period is a uterine cleanse and implements the 5 principles of womb cleanse care
Prioritize rest
Do not plug (no tampons)
Keep your womb warm
Hydrate/ Nourish
No strenuous exercise
I tried steaming and it didn't work for me
Sometimes people will say they've tried steaming and it didn't work for them. This could be several reasons. A woman may feel like steaming didn't work for her because she experienced mucus, discharge, or cramps. Yoni steaming is not one size fits all so she may have not had the right herbs tailored for her body. Or she may have not dedicated enough time to her steaming regimen. It is recommended to steam for at least 3- 6 months. Or she may have not had a comfortable set up which prevented her from being able to complete her sessions.
Doctors don't recommend vaginal steaming
It's not true that all doctors don't recommend yoni steaming. Some of them don't recommend it because they aren’t knowledgeable about the practice. Even though your doctor may be a woman the foundation of the medical system is very patriarchal. Dr. Laurena White, an ob-gyn incorporates yoni steaming into her practice because of her personal experience with it and the results she’s seen with her patients. She also shines a light on how other doctors may advise against the practice because they're unfamiliar.
Shop our yoni steam blends
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What is your period telling you? 🩸
Do you pay attention to the color of your period? Our period is our 5th vital sign. It is an important sign of our health. Through our period is how our womb speaks to us. You can learn a lot about the state of your womb and your health by getting to know your period based off of how it looks each month.
Vaginal infections and different color blood 🩸 discharge are common among women of all ages and is generally caused due to several reasons, such as unbalanced pH levels, high sugar intake, bacterial overgrowth, douching, contraception, harmful soaps, and multiple sexual partners.
Different Types of Menstrual Blood
Black blood 🖤 can appear at the beginning or end of a person’s period. The color is typically a sign of old blood or blood that has taken longer to leave the uterus and has had time to oxidize, first turning brown or dark red and then eventually becoming black.
also indicate a blockage inside a person’s vagina. Other symptoms of a vaginal blockage can include,
foul-smelling discharge
difficulty urinating
Bright red blood ♥️: indicates fresh blood and a steady flow. A period may start with bright red bleeding and darken towards the end of the period. Some people may find that their blood stays bright red throughout their period.
Pink blood 💓: or spotting can occur when period blood mixes with cervical fluid. Using hormonal birth control can lower estrogen levels in the body, which can lead to a lighter flow with a pinkish hue during periods. Sexual intercourse can also create small tears in the vagina or the cervix. Blood from these tears can mix with vaginal fluids and exit a person’s body as pink discharge. This can also be a sign of blood deficiency which means you aren’t producing enough red blood cells.
Orange blood 🧡: or discharge often indicates an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. People with orange blood should check for other telltale symptoms, such as vaginal itching, discomfort, and foul-smelling discharge.
Yoni steaming can help with these symptoms.
With the right herbs 🌿 you can kill the bad bacteria, rehydrate & nourish the good bacteria and repair the cell walls of the vagina. Allowing you to have a complete Yoni detox
(Disclaimer: this is not replacing medical support or advice, if you need medical support with any symptoms please reach out to your doctor. )
The War on Your Sacral Chakra
If you know anything about me you should know that I am not one to tune into the news, ever. I'm a firm believer that the news was designed to keep us scared and in low vibrations and that anything that I need to know will make its way to me through my mother. She unfortunately is my human news reporter lol. It is proven that when you live in fear that you are easily manipulated. You start to feel powerless and hopeless. That’s all that circulates around these news stations which is why I stay away from it. Some of you have been messaging me on the side asking my thoughts on what’s going on in regards to our rights as women We’ve also spoken about it a few times in “Coochie Conversations”. Many of you have expressed how scared and powerless you feel so I wanted to come in here with some words of wisdom and encouragement.
The divine feminine has been healing and getting stronger while the legacy of the old patriarchy has been slowly being dismantled. This is why the fear and manipulation tactics that’s circulating in the news is no coincidence. There had to be some scare tactics put in place because how dare us women be tapping into our power and taking it back. Who tf do we think we are? Who said we could do that? We’ve been conditioned to think that we’re only good to please our men and bare children. The patriarchal was like oh hell no make them feel small again! We can’t have these women tapping into their feminine gifts and finding out their true power! How will we stand in our false power against these women are really tapping into their shit? The patriachy is getting scared honey. They don't know what to do with us.
All of what’s currently taking place is a war on our sacral chakra. Our sacral chakra aka the womb chakra. Is the second chakra which governs our wombs. This is were we get our creativity, sexuality, joy, happiness and pleasure from. When our sacral chakra is unbalanced it shows up as low sex drive, painful periods. hormonal imbalances, disease etc but when your sacral chakra is balanced we are living in our flow. We are confident, sexy, pleasurable and powerful. But as long as we allow them to steal our power, energy, or joy. We take from that power. Through fear we create another spell, another generational trauma, of emotional stagnation that will hinder all of the healing and progress that we have made and that our ancestors made for us.
Some of us have been focusing on community, sisterhood and healing the collective for a while. This is why starting something like "Coochie Conversations" was so important to me at a time like this. Because this is not only a war on physical motherhood but if you've been joining our conversations than you know how much we speak about how important it is to build community. We talk about the importance of a village, community, sisterhood etc and how necessary having spaces like this is now more than ever. This is because there is also a war on eldership, a war sisterhood and women sharing their power with the world. Me sharing my power with you will only make you more powerful however if I feel powerless, then I have nothing to share then this breaks the cycle of building and uplifting the collective and thats what they want.
Some of you may feel powerless right now as if you don’t have a voice, or say so when it comes to your body. You maybe feeling scared and defeated but I want to be the one to tell you that all of this is just another spell to steal your divine feminine power. Right now more than ever is crucial that we stay in our yin energy and continue to flow through life with our personal power.
Energy goes where energy flows. What we focus on whether good or bad is what we manifest in our current realities. Don't feed the spell. It is crucial that we speak power over ourlives and our wombs. Right now we are in cancer season. Cancer is the mother of the zodiac. Connect with your mother. Heal your mother wounds. Take some time out during this season to commune with the waters of the ocean. Shes the real mother. Remember who you are. Remember who and where you came from. There is so much power that flows through water. Just like there’s so much power that flows through you. The ocean can be sweet and calm or she can come with a wrath and we all know the wrath of a woman cannot be contained.
The divine feminine is rising, you are rising, the waters have been rising because the goddess has risen, she’s awakened and shes moving in her greatness. That goddess is YOU! You're powerful, you're loved, you're amazing 💫 Happy Wednesday.
I hope that you enjpyed this email. If you’re free tonight click the link below to join us on Clubhouse or catch us next week.
Tune into tonights episode of “Conversations Conversations”
The History of the Sanitary Napkin 🩸
The sanitary pad is no doubt the most popular and widely used product for us gals when it comes to menstruation. It’s accessible, easy to use, and pretty straight to the point. Today, the pads we use are a combination of mostly synthetic fibers, Chlorine, and other chemicals but have you ever thought about what the first pads were like? what were your great-grandmas using as pads? It's Menstrual Monday so let’s look at the history of the menstrual pad.
Before the invention of what we know as the disposable sanitary pad, most women made use of rags, cotton, rabbit fur, sheep’s wool, grass, and even wood in their undergarments to soak up the flow of menstrual blood. The first disposable sanitary napkin was made of cotton and gauge in 1896 but was successfully commercialized in the United States until 1921. As the availability of material became unavailable, there was a need to find a material that was easily available and cost-effective. Later, wood pulp was incorporated since it was an absorbent material from softwood.
Although we’ve been bleeding way before the 1800s pads were originally used by men and were created by former president Benjamin Franklin. Yes! Men were officially the first B*tches lmao! I’m just kidding! Haaaa! But yes Benjamin Franklin invented the first pads for men made out of wood pulp bandages and used them to stop bleeding soldiers who were on the battlefield.
French nurses were then inspired because they noticed how well the wood absorbent stopped excessive bleeding for men at war. This is when the first disposable pads were finally available to women and were available for purchase in the 1890s. But because of patriarchal society and the shame we’ve been taught around our menstrual flow, it wasn’t spoken of. Even when it came down to marketing sanitary napkins it was advertised as “unmentionables”.
In 1921, Kimberly-Clark changed the game by breaking the silence around our periods by getting women to ask for the pads by the brand Kotex, which is short for cotton-like texture. The name is still synonymous with sanitary pads today.
Women who were embarrassed to approach the male clerk for Kotex had another option: Boxes of the disposable sanitary pads were placed on the cashier's countertop, so women could simply pick up a box and drop money into a special payment box – making Kotex one of the first self-service items in America.
Mary Beatrice Kenner was a black inventor of many products that we use today her first patent was in 1957 for the sanitary belt. While she originally invented the sanitary belt in the 1920s, she couldn’t afford a patent. Over time she improved her earlier version and other versions that were patented before hers. The sanitary belt aimed to prevent the leakage of menstrual blood on clothing, which was a common problem for women at the time. The Sonn-Nap-Pack Company got word of this invention in 1957 and contacted her intending to market her invention, however when they discovered that she was Black, they declined. Beltless pads were invented in the 1970s and, as tampons became more popular, women stopped using sanitary belts.
As for tampons, the earliest version can be found in ancient Egyptian records, which described tampons were made from the papyrus plant. I'm sure the papyrus plant was better than what we are using today. But they didn’t always use papyrus and they weren’t always used for period protection. Tampons were used by the Romans and Egyptians as contraceptives. Back then they would create a tampon out of elephant or crocodile poop and insert it inside the vagina to avoid pregnancy. Even though they probably avoided getting pregnant I'm sure this couldn’t possibly be healthy for the vagina /uterus.
Tampons were also used as pessaries for delivering medicine into the vagina and cervix – through the effectiveness was highly questionable, considering these were reportedly soaked in substances that ranged from goose fat to opium.
The modern tampon with its applicator was created in 1929 by Dr. Earle Haas, who invented and patented the design. He later sold the rights to businesswoman Gertrude Tendrich, who went on to start the company behind Tampax.
The tampon without applicator, however, was created in the late 1940s by German gynecologist Judith Esser-Mittag. The name "ob" is short for "one binde", which means "no napkins" in German.
I hope that you enjoyed todays menstrual Monday post and that you learned something today. I know I did! Shout out to Mary Beatrice Kenner and all the other bad ass women who’ve helped pave the way for us to have pads with wings and other period products today. What is your preference when it comes to your period? Do you wear pads, tampons, menstrual cup? Comment below and if you’re a goddess who cares about what’s in her pads and want to switch to something more natural check out our Organic Pads located in our online shop!
Friday the 13th Day of the Goddess 👑
Friday the 13th is a day to worship the goddess, the divine feminine. It is a day to create, manifest and connect to our womb. The number 13 is actually good luck, as it is associated with the 13 cycles of the moon in a lunar year, and holds the essence of death, rebirth, creation and fertility. As women we go through 13 moon cycles a year and ovulate on the 13th day of the month. Hence where we get the term “moon time or moon cycyle” when referring to our periods. We also go through 13 goddess archetypes in our lives because there is a goddess within each and everyone of us.
In 1487 free thinking and divine feminine energy was supressed and labeled witchcraft by "Heinrich Kramer" who went forth to burn many healers on the stake due to forced patriarchal ignorance and a hatred for powerful female leaders.
Not until patriarchal times was this day associated with "bad luck". Back then a woman was considered to embody divine and magical powers when she got her period. She was regarded by all for her wisdom and ability to offer intuitive and psychic messages. Only when society became patriacharal were we meant to feel shame for having our periods which caused many of us to become disconnected from our feminine gifts and our wombs.
Today I want you to find time to honor yourself and the divine being that you're 👑. This is the one and only Friday the 13th that we have all 2022 making it an even more esoteric and magical portal day for you. Friday is already ruled by venus amplifying the loves vibes today. So instead of falling into societies fears of powerful feminine energy lets take our power back and use this energy to give back to the divine beings that we are ✨
Honor your Inner Goodess Today 👑✨
🌸 Do a Yoni Steam
🌸 Wear Something Pink
🌸 Run a flower bath
🌸 Buy yourself some pink flowers
🌸 Light a pink candle
🌸 Drink rose petal tea or carry a rose quartz crystal
Do this while on your period 🩸
Honoring your womb while on your period is important. Often times we work against our wombs rather than with it. Here are a few things you should be conscious of while menstruating. When a woman has her period this is a time of deep introspection. We are literally releasing all of what culminated through out the month both physically as well as spiritually. When a women is on her cycle she is loosing her life force energy this is why it is important to include the following while menstruating.
Drink herbal teas our Moon Time "Feminini Tea" blend is great to drink thoughout your cycle
Keep your body warm especially your feet. Keeping your feet warm is probably one of the most important things you can do while on your period. According to Traditonal Chinese Medicine, infertility / reproductive issues stem from cold feet. Cold feet = Cold Uterus
Take warm baths again making sure your body is warm is key
Drink plenty of water staying hydrated
Get lots of natural vitamin D
Take your supplements (zinc, magnesium, vitamin B) a lot of PMS symptoms stem from vitamin deficiency. Taking this vitamins will eliminate cramps. migraines, etc.
Avoid artificial sugars, caffeine, cold temperature foods
Light exercises like yoga. Its best not to overwork yourself while on your period. Light exercises like yoga is what the body needs during your period. Click Here to watch our "Yoga For Menstruation Video"
Rest those dishes, laundry, and all that other stuff can wait. Honor your body and REST! I promise I won't tell anyone
Yoni Self Exam 🔎 When is the last time You looked at yourself in the mirror?
When was the last time that you touched yourself and not necessarily for pleasure purposes?
As women It is important that we not only know our Yoni for pleasure purposes but for health purposes as well. Building a connection to your Yoni is important because she’s always going to let you know what’s up. Just like you’re supposed to do monthly self breast exams, you should also be doing monthly Yoni exams as well. Doing this will allow you to always know what is going on.
How To Do a Yoni Exam :
Put your feet toward your butt and spread your legs. Relax your pelvic muscles. Then examine the parts of the vulva: the clitoris, and the outer and inner labia. With a mirror, take note of the color, smell and size of each part. Pull back the good of your clitoris take note if you have any type of debris or build up underneath, feel the other parts of your yoni that also gives you sensations.
Do this every month when you do your monthly breast exams. Tracking your monthly Yoni exams is important so that you can not only stay on top of your vaginal health in between doctor visits but also keeps your doctors up to date on what’s going on in between visits as well.
Eating According to Your Menstrual Cycle Phases
Do you notice changes in your body at different times of your menstrual cycle? Do you crave certain foods at different times of the month? The wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dating back thousands of years, speaks of the four phases of the menstrual cycle and how they affect our health as women.. Below I’ve added diet and lifestyle tips to help you synch your lifestyle with your menstrual phase for improved health.
Menstrual Phase (Day 1-7)
This phase starts from the first day (Day 1) of heavy bleeding or flow (not spotting). Due to the loss of blood, some women naturally feel tired at the start of their menses. Some spend the day in bed. Generally, more rest is needed at this time. During this phase the endometrial lining is shed and then rebuilt. The endometrial lining is building itself up in preparation for conception. At this time it is important for women to eat blood nourishing foods during the menstrual phase to assist the body in creating a rich endometrial lining which may become nourishment for a developing fetus. To balance the body during this phase, eat more Blood-building foods such as dark leafy green vegetables and mineral-rich organic foods such as beets, carrots, black cherries, kale, spinach, hawthorne or goji berries, alfalfa, dates, apricot, prunes, wheatgrass and nettle.
Pre-ovulation Phase (Day 8 – 14)
During this phase which starts at the end of the menstrual flow, the ovaries are preparing several follicles (eggs) for ovulation. The body becomes high in estrogen at this time. In TCM estrogen is a Yin (cold) substance. During this phase it is important that the body has enough Yin energy to create fertile mucous (looks like egg whites) which assist the sperm in traveling through the cervix to meet the egg. To help the body build Yin substance it is helpful to eat Yin building foods such as lettuce, radish, asparagus, grapes, berries, watermelon, string beans, seaweed, and bean sprouts.
Ovulation Phase (Day 15 – 21)
Actual ovulation lasts about a day, normally day 14 or 15 in the cycle. The shift in hormones that occurs on this day causes the body to go from Yin (cold) to Yang (hot). Yang = heat and it is at this time that a woman’s body temperature will rise by 0.5 degrees Celsius which is a key indication that ovulation has taken place. This increase in Yang energy should continue until the end of the cycle. At this time it is important to support the Yang energy of the body. To support this temperature increase it is important to eat foods that have more Yang (warm and invigorating) energy. You may have cravings for spicy warm foods such as cinnamon and ginger and feel worse from eating cold foods like bananas. TCM recommends foods and herbs which “nourish essence” at this time such as walnuts, wheatgrass, ginseng, chlorella, spirulina, black sesame seeds, raspberries, and blackberries.
Yoni Steaming for Postpartum
Yoni steaming for postpartum recovery has a rich, robust, and global history. Unfortunately, with the onset of Western gynecology in the late 19th century, vaginal steaming was part of the wisdom lost though the banishment of midwifery. Thankfully, birthing people around the planet are revitalizing this practice. Indigenously Yoni steams were was and is still used to help the womb completely cleanse after birth. For those who have had C-section births...YOU can/need to do this to!! Vaginal steaming is a relaxing self care ritual that is good for the mind and heart and can even help with nursing.
Here are eight ways you may experience the bountiful healing potential of postpartum yoni steaming.
1. Steam Aids in Clearing out the Lochia
Postpartum yoni steaming supports the complete cleanse of the uterus including the lochia, a mixture of blood and mucus. The steam helps loosen and liquify the lochia allowing for its release to occur more quickly and more completely. Clearing out the Lochia: * Helps reduce the chance of infection, of which a fever is often a sign * Reduces postpartum contractions * Helps the uterus get back to size and return to pre-pregnancy position * Helps the menstrual cycle return with a normal, optimal, and pain free period
2. Supports the tightening of the vaginal opening and vaginal canal
As these vaginal tissues tighten they are better able to hold the uterus in aligned placement. In turn, other organs return to optimal positioning which helps prevent prolapse.
3. Steam helps lift the uterus and neighboring organs back into place
Steam has a rising action and lifts everything back into place which is a critical aspect of postpartum healing. With organs back in place, incidences of bladder incontinence are reduced. Contrary to our cultural misbeliefs, incontinence is not inevitable. Rather incontinence is a sign of incomplete postpartum healing.
4. Steam reduces skin swelling
Yoni steaming postpartum helps swollen skin go back to normal.
5. Steam can help heal hemorrhoids
For optimal benefits for hemorrhoid release make sure you are positioned properly so that the steam reaches all areas of the pelvic floor, including the anus.
6. Increases circulation and disperses water retention
As unaddressed water retention turns to fat after 3-4 weeks, this may be why one study showed that postpartum vaginal steaming supported quickened weight loss.
7. Postpartum yoni steaming may addresses past period problems
After delivery, the cervix remains open for 4-6 weeks. So during your yoni steam for postpartum, the cervix is open. This makes it it an optimal time for for a full uterine reset. Birthing people who received a good cleanse from postpartum vaginal steaming have reported experiencing healthier periods after having given birth than they had pre-conception.
8. Vaginal Steaming releases Oxytocin, the feel good/ bonding hormone
Stimulation of the cervix and uterine walls releases oxytocin. As mentioned above, during postpartum yoni steaming the cervix is often open. This allows the steam to touch the vaginal canal and cervix and to stimulate the uterine walls. This happy/love hormone is also an important piece of the prevention of postpartum depression and oxytocin also helps support milk supply. IMPORTANT: Postpartum yoni steaming is only safe after the uterine arteries have closed. Proper herb selection and a personalized steaming schedule are critical for safety.