Eating According to Your Menstrual Cycle Phases

Do you notice changes in your body at different times of your menstrual cycle?  Do you crave certain foods at different times of the month?  The wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dating back thousands of years, speaks of the four phases of the menstrual cycle and how they affect our health as women..  Below I’ve added diet and lifestyle tips to help you synch your lifestyle with your menstrual phase for improved health.  

Menstrual Phase (Day 1-7)

This phase starts from the first day (Day 1) of heavy bleeding or flow (not spotting).  Due to the loss of blood, some women naturally feel tired at the start of their menses.  Some spend the day in bed.  Generally, more rest is needed at this time.  During this phase the endometrial lining is shed and then rebuilt.  The endometrial lining is building itself up in preparation for conception.  At this time it is important for women to eat blood nourishing foods during the menstrual phase to assist the body in creating a rich endometrial lining which may become nourishment for a developing fetus.  To balance the body during this phase, eat more Blood-building foods such as dark leafy green vegetables and mineral-rich organic foods such as beets, carrots, black cherries, kale, spinach, hawthorne or goji berries, alfalfa, dates, apricot, prunes, wheatgrass and nettle.

Pre-ovulation Phase (Day 8 – 14)

During this phase which starts at the end of the menstrual flow, the ovaries are preparing several follicles (eggs) for ovulation.  The body becomes high in estrogen at this time.  In TCM estrogen is a Yin (cold) substance.  During this phase it is important that the body has enough Yin energy to create fertile mucous (looks like egg whites) which assist the sperm in traveling through the cervix to meet the egg.  To help the body build Yin substance it is helpful to eat Yin building foods such as lettuce, radish, asparagus, grapes, berries, watermelon, string beans, seaweed, and bean sprouts.

Ovulation Phase (Day 15 – 21)

Actual ovulation lasts about a day, normally day 14 or 15 in the cycle.  The shift in hormones that occurs on this day causes the body to go from Yin (cold) to Yang (hot).  Yang = heat and it is at this time that  a woman’s body temperature will rise by 0.5 degrees Celsius which is a key indication that ovulation has taken place.  This increase in Yang energy should continue until the end of the cycle.   At this time it is important to support the Yang energy of the body.  To support this temperature increase it is important to eat foods that have more Yang (warm and invigorating) energy.  You may have cravings for spicy warm foods such as cinnamon and ginger and feel worse from eating cold foods like bananas.  TCM recommends foods and herbs which “nourish essence” at this time such as walnuts, wheatgrass, ginseng, chlorella, spirulina, black sesame seeds, raspberries, and blackberries.