Divine Yoni Bar

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Divine Yoni Bar


Introducing the Divine Vagina Yoni Bar, a truly divine creation that provides a natural and toxin-free solution for your intimate care needs. This plant-based feminine bar is carefully crafted with all natural ingredients that work harmoniously to balance your pH, eliminate vaginal odor, and keep your Coochie Confident all day long. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a revitalized, fresh feeling with the Divine Vagina Yoni Bar.

Product Benefits:

Experience the multitude of benefits offered by our Yoni Bar, designed to enhance your intimate well-being. This exceptional bar prevents candida (yeast) infections, ensuring a healthy and balanced vaginal environment. Its unique formula eliminates unpleasant odors, leaving you feeling fresh and confident throughout the day. With its moisturizing properties, this bar nourishes your delicate skin, providing a gentle cleanse and toning effect. The Divine Vagina Yoni Bar also boasts antiseptic and antibacterial properties, effectively preventing the growth of unwanted bacteria and preserving your intimate hygiene.

Furthermore, this remarkable bar helps lighten dark marks caused by shaving, restoring a smooth and even complexion. If you have recently given birth, our bar speeds up the healing process of vaginal tearing, promoting faster recovery and comfort. Rest assured that this bar is pH balanced, ensuring it complements your body's natural chemistry. Made with 100% all natural ingredients, it is cruelty-free and free from artificial fragrances or dyes. Elevate your intimate care routine with the Divine Vagina Yoni Bar and experience the divine difference it can make in your life.

Note: For external use only.

Size: 2.5 oz


Wet hands lather yoni bar onto finger tips. Wash vulva with finger tips rinse and repeat as necessary.

Perfect for a goddess who only uses our soap only on her Yoni. If you choose to use our soap for your whole body look into our monthly Yoni Body Bar subscription.

Store in a dry cool place to prevent soap from sweating

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