10 Best Hormone Balancing Foods
When it comes to our hormones as women we’re always told to go on birth control. In a womans world of western medicine birth control is the saving grace for everything. Whether its used for gaining weight, clearing up skin, heavy period flow, or because you have a hormonal imbalance I’m sure your doctor has prescribed or suggested birth control as the “cure” for many of these things listed above but did you know that you can eat foods that can balance your hormones naturally? Below are s list of the 10 best hormone balancing foods:
Fenugreek: Add a teaspoon to your smoothies, salads, or coconut yogurt.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Eat 1 cup of broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts everyday
Bitter Greens: Serve a handful of sautéed kale or dandelion as a side dish for every meal.
Broccoli sprouts: Add a few sprouts to your favorite paleo salad or sandwich
Seaweed: Add a dash of kelp flakes to your soup
Coconut: Cook veggies with coconut oil or add it to your coffee
Eggs: Skip the Starchy carbs and make 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast instead
Sourkrout: Top your meals with a 1/4 cup of sourkrout
Turmeric: Season soups and curries liberally with turmeric or try a supplement
Salmon: Eat fatty fish at least 3 times a week
#wombwellness #wombwellnesswednesday #hormonalimbalance #hormonebalancingfoods
Using Amla 🌺 for Fertility
Peace and Divine love to you all! I’ve decided to add a Fertility Herb of the Week to my blog! So every week you’ll be able to come in here and see what herbs we mention to help you lovely ladies on your fertility/ womb healing journey. Today we’ll be talking about Amla. 🌺
Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), also known as Indian gooseberry, comes from a tree that is sacred to both the Hindus and Buddhists of India.
Considered a master medicine and has many benefits for the feminine body. Amla is known to be a tonifying berry known for strengthening and toning the liver and the uterus. We all know that a woman’s uterus needs to be strong and functioning properly so that she can carry and also be able to push out a baby so amla is a great herb that can help those with uterine fatigue.
Amla also increases sexual desire and can help us overcome fertility challenges in both men and woman. It’s a great herb used to regulate a women’s menstrual cycle, shrinks fibroids and helps to balance the mind and body if you’re suffering from stress or fatigue. .
Amla is also great for those who’re anemic. Making it a great detox for both your liver and your blood. It’s a very high antioxidant and a great herb to use if you’re thinking of doing a fertility cleanse. In beauty Amla is a great natural alternative for promoting hair growth and reversing greys, making it a great hot oil treatment.
Please like, tag and share this information with a fellow sister who you think may benefit from this information 💜
Fertility Herbs For PCOS
Many people contribute blocked tubes, fibroids and things as being the number one cause of infertility in women but did you know that PCOS is actually the number one cause of fertility issues for women. 10% of woman are diagnosed with PCOS at childbearing age as young as 11 years old.
For those of you who do not know what PCOS is, PCOS aka Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal imbalance where a woman produces more testosterone than she does estrogen. Not to be confused with ovarian cysts. Ovarian cyst symptoms are very similar to those found in women with PCOS, such as irregular or non-existent periods, acne and weight gain, etc but has been found that women with ovarian cysts usually do not have much difficulty getting pregnant, whereas it is common for those with PCOS to struggle with pregnancy. Some of the popular symptoms of PCOS include:
🔎 Increased testosterone levels
🔎 Cystic acne
🔎 Unwanted facial hair
🔎 Missing periods
🔎 Male pattern baldness
Being that the testosterone levels in PCOS are higher than normal anything that can contribute to masculine features such as
🔎 Leaner muscles
🔎 Shrinking of the breasts a
🔎 Elongated clitoris
... are all signs of PCOS, so it makes total sense why we cant produce children when we’re becoming more like men hormonally 🤦🏾♀️.
But don’t worry because if there is a will there is a way! I tell women all the time there is no such thing as infertility as long as you have your womb! Below is a list of some fertility herbs that can assist women who suffer from PCOS
Reduces blood glucose
Decreases #Hirsutism
#WhitePeony & #Liquorice
Converts testosterone into estrogen
Reduces androgen load
May promote healthy endometrial lining thickness
May decrease elevated LH
May balance FSH : LH ratio
May decrease ovarian cysts
May restore ovulation
Decreases testosterone uptake
Decreases hyper androgenism
Www.BeYouBeauty.com 💻
How To Use Your Divine Vagina Yoni Steaming Seat
Divine Vagina Yoni Seat
Using our Divine Vagina Yoni Seat allows you to steam in 2 ways. 1st method: Is the toilet 🚽 seat method. This method isn’t the most “sacred” but is a good option for women who don’y have the privacy or for women who can’t have their knees bent for longer periods of time. You can always jazz it up a little by adding candles, incense and music 🎶 . After cleaning your toilet very well lift your toilet seat and place your “Divine Vagina Yoni Bidet” in your toilet 🚽 . Pour your herbs 🌺🌻🌸🍃 in the seat, always be sure to ⚠️ test the temperature prior to sitting down. Drape yourself with a blanket or towel to keep the steam inside and steam for how ever long you were instructed too.
Second method is my personal favorite 🥰. It allows me to steam in the comfort of my own sacred space. I like to steam on my fury rug, in the middle of my bedroom. I light candles 🕯 around me, incense and play my favorite neo-soul or meditation music 🎶. I then pour my herbs 🌺🌻🌸🍃into my Yoni seat and sit and with a long maxi skirt on my seat in a child’s pose type of posture. ⚠️ IF you have bad knees this is not the method for you, the toilet 🚽 seat method would be the best option 📬
Feel free to use this time to tap in, meditate 🧘🏾♀️and connect or even just write 📝 down your thoughts and feelings in the present moment. Yoni steaming has the added benefit of aligning a woman with her truest purpose so be aware of the things that come to mind while steaming, remember we don’t only birth physical manifestations from our wombs but ideas and things as well ✨#happysteaming
Seats are available for purchase in the shop section of our website #HappySteaming
This scorpio Moon Is Giving Us All The Feels!
Scorpio season is all about death and rebirth and this new moon follows that energy. Scorpio is the second water sign in the zodiac and is a deep and passionate sign that deals with everything hidden; feelings, pain, sexual desires, fears, shadow, secrets and power. Scorpios are likes scorpions controlling and and stings when feels threatened or hurt.
I love new moons that go into a new week it’s like you get a double new beginning with all this newness in the air. With this Scorpio moon it is a good time to dig deep inside your shadow self and end what needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.
This new moon is also taking place a few days before mercury goes retrograde in this exact sign so this is also a time to for some inward reflection. Process pass hurt and pain. Pay attention to finances. What’s is your emotional/ spiritual relationship with money? Honor death and rebirth. Forget the past and let go of regrets.
If you’re a Scorpio Sun , Moon or Rising sign you’re probably feeling these energies a little more than the rest of us but being that Scorpio is in so many planets right now we’re all feeling the feels. So be sure to look at where Scorpio is in your natal chart to see what it is you need to focus on during this time
Scorpio New Moon Affirmation: under this Scorpio new moon I honor the cycles of death and rebirth. I let allow whatever needs to come and let go of whatever needs to go. I don’t clench with fear, I don’t allow my heart to hold, I surrender and accept and move through what is.
A Vaginal What? Steam? And where Exactly does the steam go?
I know many women are starting to hear about this Yoni steaming fad that seems to be hitting the main stream media in the last 2 years or so. You may have seen it on your favorite reality tv show or heard celebrities like Jada Pinket, Tia and Tamara or even Gwenith Paltrow talk about how great the practice is.
Many of you are like so you want me to steam my what with WHAT?! Herbs?! Lol yes we want you to steam your vagina with a blend of herbs. I know it may sound a little strange but even though the media is making this such a trendy new practice this is not at all a new practice. Women have been steaming their vaginas with herbs for centuries all over the world. We’re just unaware of its amazing benefits because we aren’t taught to take care of our womb health.
Yoni steaming is a holistic herbal practice when a woman allows the steam of a blend of herbs to permeate the interior and exterior of her vagina. Yoni steaming detoxifies the womb by removing excess waste caused by stagnated blood within the uterus that contributes to fibroids, cysts, tumors and cancerous cells. Yoni steaming is also a great hygiene cleansing method for general selfcare purposed to keep your womb in alignment and free of disease. Yoni steaming was originally a postpartum practice used by medicine women and doulas on new moms. Not only does the it speed up the healing process due to episiotomies and what not but it also helps balance a women hormones which in terms keeps moms emotions and things under control when it comes to motherhood.
Here at Be You Beauty we specialize in cultivating custom blended yoni steams for women who experience menstrual/reproductive challenges as well as women who are just trying to get more in tune with their feminine energy. Vaginal steaming has a plethora of benefits for the feminine body both physical and spiritual. Heal yourself naturally with this non invasive, ancient herbal cleansing method that has literally been changing lives of many women around the world. Our mission is to help women create a healthy womb that’s free of disease and reproductive challenges which will then lessen the hysterectomy rates done on our women. If you or someone that you know suffers from painful periods, fibroids, cyst, infertility, hormonal imbalances, anxiety, depression, or they just want to maintain a healthy womb pleasure tag or share this post with them. .
Full Moon 🌕 in Aries ♈️🔥and What it Means For You ✨
Full moons are time of cultivation. It’s a time where we reap the manifestations of the intentions that we set during the new moon. The moon represents our emotions, as well as how we connect to other people. It’s a side that we only show to people closest to us. Being the first sign of the zodiac this Aries full moon teaches us to tune in and focus on ourselves. Aries are known as the trailblazers of the zodiac ruled by mars they are ready for any and every challenge brought their way. Sometimes this energy can be tipped too far and needs to find balance ⚖️hence this libra ♎️sun ☀️energy we currently have in the background.
During this time you may feel more impulsive than usual, and if you don’t feel satisfied it’ will be easy to lash out or act up. Be mindful for rash impulsive behavior. Now is the time to think before you act and weigh out ⚖️ the consequences. We’re also entering the shadow phase of mercury in Scorpio ♏️, scorpios like to go deep so be sure to look at where Scorpio is in your charts to see where some deep truths, reflection and growth is happening.
You may feel more impulsive than usual, and if you don’t feel satisfied it’s easy to lash out or act up. Try and remain focused on listening and respecting those around you. Physical activities, like sports or dancing, are a good way of working off some of that extra energy an Aries moon can bring. With the sun being in libra and the moon in its opposite. Libras can be people pleasers always making sure everyone is happy and balanced even if they aren’t. They often try to suit the world around them but not while Aries is in the house! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac the baby of them all, ruling the first house of self. Aries umm forget about you it’s all about ME! So taking care of your own needs and not the needs of others is what this energy is calling for. Connecting with our inner child, being spontaneous, laughing, dancing and doing whatever your heart desires. This is a time to speak our truths, take that class, start those passion projects you’ve been putting to the side. This is a great time to tune in with yourself and make quick decisions about what you need and what’s already working for you.
The moon has been in Pisces the last few days, Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac symbolizing endings. You may have been in a deep reflection on what’s no longer working for you. What needs to end so new things can come to fruition? This Arian energy is all about checking yourself. Aries are known for being bold, passionate and confident in who they’re and what they do. Be like an Aries this full moon and be proud of who your are, where you are, what you have become and where you’re going.
Full Moon in Aries guided Meditation Event 🌕♈️✨
Be You Beauty, Ceo Bianca Pitman and Urbanspiritualist will be hosting a full moon guided meditation event 10/13/19 at 7pm in fort lee, NJ. Come catch these lunar vibes with the Be You Beauty Tribe. This is going to be a beautiful night of good vibes and peaceful energy. Well have a guided meditation under the Aries full moon , learn about the moon and how you can harness her energy in your daily lives. The power of sound healing and how it effects your body🧘🏾♀️🎶 Partake in a energy aura cleanse / full moon release ritual 🌕👋🏾🍂 and shop our crystal 💎 jewelry and holistic self care healing products. This is going to be a meditation experience that you DON’T want to miss! To purchase tickets visit the home page or click the “guided meditation link” above. I truly can’t wait to see you all there!
Namaste 🙏🏾 ✨
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