This scorpio Moon Is Giving Us All The Feels!

Scorpio season is all about death and rebirth and this new moon follows that energy. Scorpio is the second water sign in the zodiac and is a deep and passionate sign that deals with everything hidden; feelings, pain, sexual desires, fears, shadow, secrets and power. Scorpios are likes scorpions controlling and and stings when feels threatened or hurt.


I love new moons that go into a new week it’s like you get a double new beginning with all this newness in the air. With this Scorpio moon it is a good time to dig deep inside your shadow self and end what needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.

This new moon is also taking place a few days before mercury goes retrograde in this exact sign so this is also a time to for some inward reflection. Process pass hurt and pain. Pay attention to finances. What’s is your emotional/ spiritual relationship with money? Honor death and rebirth. Forget the past and let go of regrets.

If you’re a Scorpio Sun , Moon or Rising sign you’re probably feeling these energies a little more than the rest of us but being that Scorpio is in so many planets right now we’re all feeling the feels. So be sure to look at where Scorpio is in your natal chart to see what it is you need to focus on during this time

Scorpio New Moon Affirmation: under this Scorpio new moon I honor the cycles of death and rebirth. I let allow whatever needs to come and let go of whatever needs to go. I don’t clench with fear, I don’t allow my heart to hold, I surrender and accept and move through what is.