Women's Health Be You Beauty Women's Health Be You Beauty

The Benefits of Postpartum Yoni Steaming

Yoni steaming for postpartum recovery has a rich, robust, and global history. Unfortunately, with the onset of Western gynecology in the late 19th century, vaginal steaming was part of the wisdom lost though the banishment of midwifery. Thankfully, birthing people around the planet are revitalizing this practice. Indigenously Yoni steams were was and is still used to help the womb completely cleanse after birth. For those who have had C-section births...YOU can/need to do this to!! Vaginal steaming is a relaxing self care ritual that is good for the mind and heart and can even help with nursing. 

Here are eight ways you may experience the bountiful healing potential of postpartum yoni steaming.

1. Steam Aids in Clearing out the Lochia

Postpartum yoni steaming supports the complete cleanse of the uterus including the lochia, a mixture of blood and mucus. The steam helps loosen and liquify the lochia allowing for its release to occur more quickly and more completely. Clearing out the Lochia: * Helps reduce the chance of infection, of which a fever is often a sign * Reduces postpartum contractions * Helps the uterus get back to size and return to pre-pregnancy position * Helps the menstrual cycle return with a normal, optimal, and pain free period

2. Supports the tightening of the vaginal opening and vaginal canal

As these vaginal tissues tighten they are better able to hold the uterus in aligned placement. In turn, other organs return to optimal positioning which helps prevent prolapse.

3. Steam helps lift the uterus and neighboring organs back into place

Steam has a rising action and lifts everything back into place which is a critical aspect of postpartum healing. With organs back in place, incidences of bladder incontinence are reduced. Contrary to our cultural misbeliefs, incontinence is not inevitable. Rather incontinence is a sign of incomplete postpartum healing.

4. Steam reduces skin swelling

Yoni steaming postpartum helps swollen skin go back to normal.

5. Steam can help heal hemorrhoids

For optimal benefits for hemorrhoid release make sure you are positioned properly so that the steam reaches all areas of the pelvic floor, including the anus.

6. Increases circulation and disperses water retention

As unaddressed water retention turns to fat after 3-4 weeks, this may be why one study showed that postpartum vaginal steaming supported quickened weight loss.

7. Postpartum yoni steaming may addresses past period problems

After delivery, the cervix remains open for 4-6 weeks. So during your yoni steam for postpartum, the cervix is open. This makes it it an optimal time for for a full uterine reset. Birthing people who received a good cleanse from postpartum vaginal steaming have reported experiencing healthier periods after having given birth than they had pre-conception.

8. Vaginal Steaming releases Oxytocin, the feel good/ bonding hormone

Stimulation of the cervix and uterine walls releases oxytocin. As mentioned above, during postpartum yoni steaming the cervix is often open. This allows the steam to touch the vaginal canal and cervix and to stimulate the uterine walls. This happy/love hormone is also an important piece of the prevention of postpartum depression and oxytocin also helps support milk supply. IMPORTANT: Postpartum yoni steaming is only safe after the uterine arteries have closed. Proper herb selection and a personalized steaming schedule are critical for safety.

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5 Vitamins and Minerals to support you while on your period

5 Vitamins and Minerals to support you while on your period

Magnesium is an essential mineral for women on their periods because of the effect it can have on symptoms such as cramp and mood swings. Magnesium relaxes the muscles for example, to ease general discomfort in the stomach. This relaxing effect can also, in turn, help to regulate mood swings which often fluctuate during a period.

Many women choose to consume a magnesium supplement to help them through their period but you can also increase your intake of magnesium-filled foods to help symptoms as well.

Pumpkin seeds, spinach, salmon, kale and brown rice are all good sources magnesium


Women going through their period are likely to have low iron levels so at this time it’s important to up your intake of this valuable mineral. Low levels of iron can, after all, lead to issues such as fatigue, dizziness and headaches which will make period symptoms feel worse.

Omega 3

Many period symptoms such as cramps and headaches are caused by an inflammatory chemical called prostaglandin. Therefore, as omega 3 is anti-inflammatory, this should help to counteract the problem. 


Zinc is involved in the production of hormones including oestrogen and progesterone. When these hormones rise each month it stimulates the ovaries, bringing on a period. This means that zinc is important in the menstruation process.

There is also some evidence to suggest that zinc could help to ease severe menstrual cramps to allow women to continue with their regular routine.


Deficiencies in this can lead to fatigue and low mood which we all know are also symptoms of a period. Therefore, the problem is only made worse if you don’t get enough B vitamin

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5 Hormonal Benefits of ChasteBerry

Chasteberry aka vitex is the number one botanical remedy used in Europe to treat PMS symptoms amongst a whole list of other conditions that affect a woman’s reproductive health. One of the most popular and well-researched attributes of Chasteberry is its ability to reduce symptoms of PMS.

These include:



🩸depressed mood


🩸breast pain and tenderness

In one study, women with PMS took Chasteberry during three consecutive menstrual cycles. In total, 93 percent of those given Chasteberry reported a decrease in PMS symptoms, including:

depression 😞

anxiety 😥

cravings 🍫

Chasteberry supports women’s health. Chasteberry can be taken in pill form, brewed as tea and incorporated into a steaming practice. Definitely one of my favs and a must try for those who want to take a more natural approach to their feminine health.

Chasteberry is a well used herb in the Be You Beauty line. It’s included in our Vaginal steams as well as our “Feminini Tea” goddess tea blends which can be found in our shop section.

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Periods aren’t Supposed to Be Painful


90% of women have residue build up and suffer from blood stagnation in their uterus. Anything that sits in the uterus for a long period of time is a recipe for added health issues. Residue building symptoms are having brown blood at the beginning and end of your cycle, blood clots and cramps. Most women have been suffering from bad cycles their whole lives unaware that a healthy period isn’t supposed to be painful. A healthy period is PAIN FREE, no cramps, blood clots, no brown residue and should only be 4 days in length. We’re taught that cramps are normal but they are not. When we have cramps and clots it’s because we have stagnation in our wombs. Vaginal steaming is a great way to address these issues.

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Women's Health Be You Beauty Women's Health Be You Beauty

Are You Suffering From Fibrocytic Breast Disease?

Formerly referred to you fibrocystic breast disease (FBD), fibrocystic breasts are characterized by lumpiness and discomfort in one or more breast’s. Affecting more than 60% of women, this condition tends to be an issue for woman primarily between the ages of 30 and 50 , with impact diminishing after the age of menupause. 


Women with irregular menstrual cycles seem to suffer more severe symptoms of fibrocystic breast, likely due to the prolonged and irregular hormonal stimulation of the breast. Symptoms also tend to be most severe right before the menstrual period due to the increased estrogen to progesterone ratio.

Under active thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Iodine deficiency which can cause the cells to be more sensitive to the effects of estrogen.

Increased estrogen, decreased progesterone 

Nutritional deficiencies 

Liver Congestion 

Bowl toxicity 

Overconsumption of meat and dairy products 

Doing regular self examinations allow you to take the time to know your breasts in terms of how they look and feel. When you are mindful and aware of your body parts, it is easier to detect when something has changed. Not all breast cancers can be found through a physical examination so it’s also important to stay up to date with your annual check ups. 

Touch Your Tits

Doing regular breast exams allows you to get in tune with your body to where you know what is considered normal when it comes to the shape and size of your breasts. Knowing how they look and feel on a regular basis will allow you to know what’s wrong if something changes in your breasts on the day to day. Not every form of breast cancer can be found by a physical breast exam so it is also important to get yearly mammogram check ups from your doctor. 40% of breast cancer diagnosis are detected by women who feel a lump in their breast, so establishing a regular self-exam is very important. The best time to give a self examination is in the shower or in the mirror. The best time to do a monthly self breast exam is about 3 to 5 days after your period starts. If you have gone through menopause, do your exam on the same day every month.

A self exam consists of you placing your left arm up to the back of your head. With your right hand exam your left breast. Moving your hand in a clockwise motion feel for any lumps with your fingers. Repeat on the other side. Visually look at yourself in the mirror and look for any irregular discharge, dimpling of the skin, and irregular shape. 

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Women's Health Be You Beauty Women's Health Be You Beauty

10 Best Hormone Balancing Foods


When it comes to our hormones as women we’re always told to go on birth control. In a womans world of western medicine birth control is the saving grace for everything. Whether its used for gaining weight, clearing up skin, heavy period flow, or because you have a hormonal imbalance I’m sure your doctor has prescribed or suggested birth control as the “cure” for many of these things listed above but did you know that you can eat foods that can balance your hormones naturally? Below are s list of the 10 best hormone balancing foods:

Fenugreek: Add a teaspoon to your smoothies, salads, or coconut yogurt.

Cruciferous Vegetables: Eat 1 cup of broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts everyday

Bitter Greens: Serve a handful of sautéed kale or dandelion as a side dish for every meal.

Broccoli sprouts: Add a few sprouts to your favorite paleo salad or sandwich

Seaweed: Add a dash of kelp flakes to your soup

Coconut: Cook veggies with coconut oil or add it to your coffee

Eggs: Skip the Starchy carbs and make 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast instead

Sourkrout: Top your meals with a 1/4 cup of sourkrout

Turmeric: Season soups and curries liberally with turmeric or try a supplement

Salmon: Eat fatty fish at least 3 times a week

#wombwellness #wombwellnesswednesday #hormonalimbalance #hormonebalancingfoods

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Women's Health Be You Beauty Women's Health Be You Beauty

Using Amla 🌺 for Fertility


Peace and Divine love to you all! I’ve decided to add a Fertility Herb of the Week to my blog! So every week you’ll be able to come in here and see what herbs we mention to help you lovely ladies on your fertility/ womb healing journey. Today we’ll be talking about Amla. 🌺

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), also known as Indian gooseberry, comes from a tree that is sacred to both the Hindus and Buddhists of India.

Considered a master medicine and has many benefits for the feminine body. Amla is known to be a tonifying berry known for strengthening and toning the liver and the uterus. We all know that a woman’s uterus needs to be strong and functioning properly so that she can carry and also be able to push out a baby so amla is a great herb that can help those with uterine fatigue.

Amla also increases sexual desire and can help us overcome fertility challenges in both men and woman. It’s a great herb used to regulate a women’s menstrual cycle, shrinks fibroids and helps to balance the mind and body if you’re suffering from stress or fatigue. .

Amla is also great for those who’re anemic. Making it a great detox for both your liver and your blood. It’s a very high antioxidant and a great herb to use if you’re thinking of doing a fertility cleanse. In beauty Amla is a great natural alternative for promoting hair growth and reversing greys, making it a great hot oil treatment.

Please like, tag and share this information with a fellow sister who you think may benefit from this information 💜

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Women's Health Be You Beauty Women's Health Be You Beauty

Fertility Herbs For PCOS


Many people contribute blocked tubes, fibroids and things as being the number one cause of infertility in women but did you know that PCOS is actually the number one cause of fertility issues for women. 10% of woman are diagnosed with PCOS at childbearing age as young as 11 years old.

For those of you who do not know what PCOS is, PCOS aka Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal imbalance where a woman produces more testosterone than she does estrogen. Not to be confused with ovarian cysts. Ovarian cyst symptoms are very similar to those found in women with PCOS, such as irregular or non-existent periods, acne and weight gain, etc but has been found that women with ovarian cysts usually do not have much difficulty getting pregnant, whereas it is common for those with PCOS to struggle with pregnancy. Some of the popular symptoms of PCOS include:

🔎 Increased testosterone levels

🔎 Cystic acne

🔎 Unwanted facial hair

🔎 Missing periods

🔎 Male pattern baldness

Being that the testosterone levels in PCOS are higher than normal anything that can contribute to masculine features such as

🔎 Leaner muscles

🔎 Shrinking of the breasts a

🔎 Elongated clitoris

... are all signs of PCOS, so it makes total sense why we cant produce children when we’re becoming more like men hormonally 🤦🏾‍♀️.

But don’t worry because if there is a will there is a way! I tell women all the time there is no such thing as infertility as long as you have your womb! Below is a list of some fertility herbs that can assist women who suffer from PCOS


Reduces blood glucose

Decreases #Hirsutism

#WhitePeony & #Liquorice

Converts testosterone into estrogen

Reduces androgen load


May promote healthy endometrial lining thickness

May decrease elevated LH

May balance FSH : LH ratio


May decrease ovarian cysts

May restore ovulation


Decreases testosterone uptake

Decreases hyper androgenism

Www.BeYouBeauty.com 💻

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