Are You Suffering From Fibrocytic Breast Disease?

Formerly referred to you fibrocystic breast disease (FBD), fibrocystic breasts are characterized by lumpiness and discomfort in one or more breast’s. Affecting more than 60% of women, this condition tends to be an issue for woman primarily between the ages of 30 and 50 , with impact diminishing after the age of menupause. 


Women with irregular menstrual cycles seem to suffer more severe symptoms of fibrocystic breast, likely due to the prolonged and irregular hormonal stimulation of the breast. Symptoms also tend to be most severe right before the menstrual period due to the increased estrogen to progesterone ratio.

Under active thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Iodine deficiency which can cause the cells to be more sensitive to the effects of estrogen.

Increased estrogen, decreased progesterone 

Nutritional deficiencies 

Liver Congestion 

Bowl toxicity 

Overconsumption of meat and dairy products 

Doing regular self examinations allow you to take the time to know your breasts in terms of how they look and feel. When you are mindful and aware of your body parts, it is easier to detect when something has changed. Not all breast cancers can be found through a physical examination so it’s also important to stay up to date with your annual check ups. 

Touch Your Tits

Doing regular breast exams allows you to get in tune with your body to where you know what is considered normal when it comes to the shape and size of your breasts. Knowing how they look and feel on a regular basis will allow you to know what’s wrong if something changes in your breasts on the day to day. Not every form of breast cancer can be found by a physical breast exam so it is also important to get yearly mammogram check ups from your doctor. 40% of breast cancer diagnosis are detected by women who feel a lump in their breast, so establishing a regular self-exam is very important. The best time to give a self examination is in the shower or in the mirror. The best time to do a monthly self breast exam is about 3 to 5 days after your period starts. If you have gone through menopause, do your exam on the same day every month.

A self exam consists of you placing your left arm up to the back of your head. With your right hand exam your left breast. Moving your hand in a clockwise motion feel for any lumps with your fingers. Repeat on the other side. Visually look at yourself in the mirror and look for any irregular discharge, dimpling of the skin, and irregular shape. 
