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The Benefits of Postpartum Yoni Steaming

Yoni steaming for postpartum recovery has a rich, robust, and global history. Unfortunately, with the onset of Western gynecology in the late 19th century, vaginal steaming was part of the wisdom lost though the banishment of midwifery. Thankfully, birthing people around the planet are revitalizing this practice. Indigenously Yoni steams were was and is still used to help the womb completely cleanse after birth. For those who have had C-section births...YOU can/need to do this to!! Vaginal steaming is a relaxing self care ritual that is good for the mind and heart and can even help with nursing. 

Here are eight ways you may experience the bountiful healing potential of postpartum yoni steaming.

1. Steam Aids in Clearing out the Lochia

Postpartum yoni steaming supports the complete cleanse of the uterus including the lochia, a mixture of blood and mucus. The steam helps loosen and liquify the lochia allowing for its release to occur more quickly and more completely. Clearing out the Lochia: * Helps reduce the chance of infection, of which a fever is often a sign * Reduces postpartum contractions * Helps the uterus get back to size and return to pre-pregnancy position * Helps the menstrual cycle return with a normal, optimal, and pain free period

2. Supports the tightening of the vaginal opening and vaginal canal

As these vaginal tissues tighten they are better able to hold the uterus in aligned placement. In turn, other organs return to optimal positioning which helps prevent prolapse.

3. Steam helps lift the uterus and neighboring organs back into place

Steam has a rising action and lifts everything back into place which is a critical aspect of postpartum healing. With organs back in place, incidences of bladder incontinence are reduced. Contrary to our cultural misbeliefs, incontinence is not inevitable. Rather incontinence is a sign of incomplete postpartum healing.

4. Steam reduces skin swelling

Yoni steaming postpartum helps swollen skin go back to normal.

5. Steam can help heal hemorrhoids

For optimal benefits for hemorrhoid release make sure you are positioned properly so that the steam reaches all areas of the pelvic floor, including the anus.

6. Increases circulation and disperses water retention

As unaddressed water retention turns to fat after 3-4 weeks, this may be why one study showed that postpartum vaginal steaming supported quickened weight loss.

7. Postpartum yoni steaming may addresses past period problems

After delivery, the cervix remains open for 4-6 weeks. So during your yoni steam for postpartum, the cervix is open. This makes it it an optimal time for for a full uterine reset. Birthing people who received a good cleanse from postpartum vaginal steaming have reported experiencing healthier periods after having given birth than they had pre-conception.

8. Vaginal Steaming releases Oxytocin, the feel good/ bonding hormone

Stimulation of the cervix and uterine walls releases oxytocin. As mentioned above, during postpartum yoni steaming the cervix is often open. This allows the steam to touch the vaginal canal and cervix and to stimulate the uterine walls. This happy/love hormone is also an important piece of the prevention of postpartum depression and oxytocin also helps support milk supply. IMPORTANT: Postpartum yoni steaming is only safe after the uterine arteries have closed. Proper herb selection and a personalized steaming schedule are critical for safety.