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5 Vitamins and Minerals to support you while on your period

5 Vitamins and Minerals to support you while on your period

Magnesium is an essential mineral for women on their periods because of the effect it can have on symptoms such as cramp and mood swings. Magnesium relaxes the muscles for example, to ease general discomfort in the stomach. This relaxing effect can also, in turn, help to regulate mood swings which often fluctuate during a period.

Many women choose to consume a magnesium supplement to help them through their period but you can also increase your intake of magnesium-filled foods to help symptoms as well.

Pumpkin seeds, spinach, salmon, kale and brown rice are all good sources magnesium


Women going through their period are likely to have low iron levels so at this time it’s important to up your intake of this valuable mineral. Low levels of iron can, after all, lead to issues such as fatigue, dizziness and headaches which will make period symptoms feel worse.

Omega 3

Many period symptoms such as cramps and headaches are caused by an inflammatory chemical called prostaglandin. Therefore, as omega 3 is anti-inflammatory, this should help to counteract the problem. 


Zinc is involved in the production of hormones including oestrogen and progesterone. When these hormones rise each month it stimulates the ovaries, bringing on a period. This means that zinc is important in the menstruation process.

There is also some evidence to suggest that zinc could help to ease severe menstrual cramps to allow women to continue with their regular routine.


Deficiencies in this can lead to fatigue and low mood which we all know are also symptoms of a period. Therefore, the problem is only made worse if you don’t get enough B vitamin