Your Womb is a Sacred Space that holds generations of Trauma

A female is born with all the eggs she’ll ever have in her lifetime. Each of us spend 5 months in our grandmothers womb. Our cellular life begins as an egg in our grandmothers womb when she is pregnant with our mothers. Nearly all of us were conceived in our mother’s womb and most would consider this as the point in time when we started our life. However, the egg that we came from was not made by our mother, but by our grandmother. We are far more connected to our grandmothers than most may realise. The food she ate, her habits, her emotional state and her overall health actually constitutes towards the formation of the eggs inside her daughter, the same eggs that years later become you. Our foundations go all the way back to our maternal grandmother, this is why grandmothers are so important and this is why when you heal your womb you’re healing the womb of your daughter, your mother and your grandmother. You’re literally healing generations before and after you.

Stories that you carry in your womb isn’t just yours. Your mother and grandmothers experiences triumphs and traumas shape how you live your life today. Have you ever sat with your mom or grandma and asked her about your birth story or your mothers birth story? Was she happy and over joyed during her pregnancy or was she stressed, depressed, anxious, etc. was she happily married or cheated on? Was she physically abused? Did she experience a death in the family in the 9 months that she was pregnant with you? All these feelings all these emotions and experiences are passed down to you while being in the womb. Every feeling, thought and emotion is felt by the baby.

If your mom was depressed during pregnancy you will more than likely be depressed. In a study that was taken place with mice that were purposely stressed out and traumatized. There off spring held 5 generations of trauma. Now imagine you possessing 5 generations of un healed trauma in your womb. If you’re reading this blog and you came here with a womb then you’ve more than likely been chosen by your ancestors to heal your lineage. Especially as a woman of color we’ve been through so much our ancestors have been through so much trauma and it’s your job to transmute the trauma. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it. This is how powerful you’re as wombman you literally hold the key to creation in between your legs and I’m sure your ancestors wouldn’t have chosen you if you weren’t good enough to take on the task.

How to heal your womb from generational trauma

Vaginal steaming is one of the best ways to heal your womb from trauma that stemmed from generations. All of our emotions, shame, guilt and disease start in the womb space. When a women’s womb is out of balance, everything else in her life mentally, physically and emotionally. The womb is where both life and death happen, new beginnings and endings take place in our wombs. Yeah we may perform a Yoni Steam throughout the month so that we balance our hormones or so we don’t have painful moon times but on a energetic level, where do you think any of that stems from? It stems from the trauma we’ve experienced in our birthing process or before we came here.

It’s unbelievable how many women sit on a one of our Yoni steams and tell me they’ve healed their mother wounds after they’ve went through years of un forgiveness and trauma with their moms and let it all go in one of our sessions.

The other day I was co-creating a goddess circle and my client literally sat on the steam with the intention to heal her past family traumas and when she got off the steam there was a heart in the water. I couldn’t make this up if I tried not only was it beautiful but that was a confirmation that she’s doing the inner work and the healing for her lineage and that her ancestors were happy.

There’s a beautiful poem by Nakhena Evans called “And I call myself a Wombman” it’s one of my favorites. Many of us call ourselves wombman and we don’t even know what it means to have a womb. The power we possess I mean they dont call it the power of the pussy for no reason. Its time that we take sovereignty our wombs and our healing. Being “Coochie Confident” isn’t just about keeping your Yoni tight and wet for your man or making sure you smell fresh and pH balanced on the daily. Now don’t get me wrong all these things are great but when your Coochie is Confident your inner feminine is healed, you’re a bad ass goddess that’s doing the work for not only yourself but for everyone that stands before and after you. Having a Confident Coochie makes your ancestors proud because when you heal the womb you heal the woman.

Click here to book a consultation or visit our online shop if you’re ready to start your womb healing journey with us!

Common Misconceptions of Yoni Steaming

Today I want to share with you some of the common misconceptions that I often experience as a yoni steam practitioner from women who aren’t familiar with the practice. I hope that if you’re a goddess that is on the fence about starting your yoni steaming practice that this information is helpful to you.

Steaming caused my BV to get worst

Green fishy discharge is often one of the main signs of BV. When this discharge appears after a steaming session one might think that steaming may have worsened their BV. However steam can't introduce mucus into the vaginal canal. So if you see green discharge after your steaming session it is important to understand that the steam encouraged the discharge to exit your body but didn't create it.

When steaming for BV the steam plan is to remove the irregular discharge so the bad bacteria no longer have a place to thrive and so the good bacteria can re-populate. So if you see green discharge after your steaming session it's okay and encouraged. If you are using yoni steaming for infections working with a yoni steaming professional is helpful to understand what to expect and how to interpret a successful outcome.

Steaming caused me to get a yeast infection

If someone wants to yoni steam for yeast infection purposes. It is important to understand that when you're steaming with this intention which in this case it would be to remove excess mucus from the reproductive organs so that the yeast can no longer thrive in the vagina. So in this case seeing clumpy discharge in your steaming session is encouraged.

Steam cannot introduce mucus into the vagina. Steam is water and it cannot create thick mucus in the reproductive organs but it does help drain it out Just as a shower might help drain nasal congestion. a vaginal steaming session may drain the mucus that may be sitting in the vaginal canal.

Steaming caused my cramps to get worse

You usually will not experience cramps if you practice this. However, occasionally yoni steam users report an increase in cramping after yoni steaming. The majority of these experiences stem from women who use plug-in products such as tampons which restrict the blow flow and cause the uterus to contract aka cramp. If someone has a substantial amount of old residue in their womb steaming will help loosen that old residue.

As a steam user, you have to understand that the period is a uterine cleanse and implements the 5 principles of womb cleanse care

  • Prioritize rest

  • Do not plug (no tampons)

  • Keep your womb warm

  • Hydrate/ Nourish

  • No strenuous exercise

I tried steaming and it didn't work for me 

Sometimes people will say they've tried steaming and it didn't work for them. This could be several reasons. A woman may feel like steaming didn't work for her because she experienced mucus, discharge, or cramps. Yoni steaming is not one size fits all so she may have not had the right herbs tailored for her body. Or she may have not dedicated enough time to her steaming regimen. It is recommended to steam for at least 3- 6 months. Or she may have not had a comfortable set up which prevented her from being able to complete her sessions.

Doctors don't recommend vaginal steaming

It's not true that all doctors don't recommend yoni steaming. Some of them don't recommend it because they aren’t knowledgeable about the practice. Even though your doctor may be a woman the foundation of the medical system is very patriarchal. Dr. Laurena White, an ob-gyn incorporates yoni steaming into her practice because of her personal experience with it and the results she’s seen with her patients. She also shines a light on how other doctors may advise against the practice because they're unfamiliar.

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