This Libra New Moon Requires Us To Focus On Our Partnerships
Photo credit: @cosmiccollage
Except to feel social, loved and balanced under this new moon. New Moons are always a time of rebirth—and always take on the vibe of the sign they're placed in. This month's new moon falls in the cardinal air sign of Libra. Libra is a sign known for placing an emphasis on balance, harmony, and partnership. So be honest with yourself and others about your needs right now.
Now is a time when you may have harmony and increased understanding in your most cherished relationships—including those that may have fallen out of balance. This is really the best moon for recalibrating relationships every year, but this year as if we haven’t had enough challenges already with Mercury and Mars both in libra this new moon is coming with some extra challenges which can cause everyone to dig in their heels during peace talks. Righteous anger may interfere with compromise, so definitely talk it out. Libras like introspective communication so no secrets allowed. Transparency is key under this transit.
New moons also serve as the first page of a whole new chapter in your life that will end in 6 months when there's a corresponding full moon in the same sign — in this case, on April 16, 2022, when there's a full moon in Libra. I definitely suggest writing down what you’ve been reflecting on and revisit it 6 months down the line during the libra full moon. You can note how far you've come and quite possibly notice that you've hit a culmination point.
Libra Full Moon Bay Leaf Ritual
Best performed after a meditation or a spiritual bath…
Start by cleansing yourself with your tool of choice with the intention of clearing what no longer serves you.
Holding your leaves thank your guides and Mother Nature for giving you a clean slate every month to manifest your deepest desires.
Taking 10 bay leaves. On 5 of your leaves write down your goals and what you want to receive from the universe the boil them or add it to your bath. Then with the other 5 leaves write down what you wish to give back to the world. Then bury these leaves in a flower pot or into the ground.
Libra New Moon Bath Recipe
🛁 Epsom salt
🛁 Apple cider vinegar
🛁 Opal or Clear quartz
🛁 Spearmint
🛁 Chamomile
🛁 Eucalyptus
🛁 Florida Water
Happy new moon! Keep on the lookout for our zodiac baths coming soon to our online shop! 🦋