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Lions Gate 8/8 Portal Activation 🔮

The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and is known to reach its peak at 15 degrees Leo which normally happens on or around August 8 (8/8). It takes place when, the sun in the Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius.

In Egypt the Sirius star system represented the soul self. Sirius is considered to be our spiritual sun, so the rising and the return of SIruis was seen by ancient astrolgogers as the rebirth of our spirit energy of the planet. So when it rises again and is seen with the naked eye it can represent a new chapter unfolding on your spiritual path this can be conscious or subconscious. This high-frequency energy can be used to open our energy centers, inspire new ideas, raise our consciousness, and enhance our ability to receive psychic downloads.

In numerology, the number eight is the number of infinity. It is the energy of empowerment and flow. It supports efforts and intentions that manifest in the material world. Its power resides in its ability for manifestation on every level. So when an eight shows up, it is offering assistance to rapidly manifest whatever it's directed toward like a laser. The eight amplifies anything it is focused on.

Remember your thoughts are energy, your words are energy, your mind is energy, your emotions are energy and your reality is made up of all of that energy. So as we walk through this powerful portal it is important to be conscious of what we are focused on. Now is the time to pinpoint the reality you want to create and focus on it.

3 Ways to Manifest with the Lions Gate Portal

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Full Moon Be You Beauty Full Moon Be You Beauty

Capricorn Full Moon 🌕 Came to Ground You in Your Goals

Grounded and focused is the theme for this full moon

Full moons are known to complete a cycle. They also illuminate what has reached its expiration date. Daddy Capricorn is coming to release anything getting in the way of creating a impactful legacy.

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac, inviting us to show up for ourselves like never before. As the sign of wisdom, entrepreneurship, abundance, tradition and dedication to our goals, Capricorn doesn't play when it comes to getting real about what we want.

No dream is too big, and nothing is impossible. But stagnant, negative energy and blockages on our path are real, and we must remove them to level up in life. The goat energy inside of you will climb to the highest mountain and reach the steepest peak because there is no shying away from perseverance with this sign.

Only you know what truly needs to go. So whether you need to detach from a toxic partner in your life or shed the emotional baggage you're carrying around, decide to remove it under the full moon, and then release it.

Capricorn Full Moon Goddess Pull

This card has been coming through the last few times that I did a collective card pull. Some of you are about to level up tremendously! it may not look like it right now but change is coming 💫

Queen Yaa Asantewaa's Guidance:

Raise your standards. A leap forward for one is a leap forward for the tribe. Your choices can raise the frequency of your community and the planet.


Time to level up. This is your season for quantum leap. You have prepared for this. Life does not have to be linear, and neither does growth. A quantum leap feels drastic and huge. Bur the secret is that quantum. leaps happen little by little.

So what inspired action helps you level up? Connecting to spirit with rituals, movement, meditation, and visualization is a great start.

Goddess Mantra "Divine timing is on my side"

Capricorn Full Moon Affirmations

I Release....

Anything that drains my discipline

Anything that derails me from my dreams

Anything that distracts me from my desires

Anything that dishonors my deepest devotions

money gif

With both Cancer and Capricorn together in the sky the mommy and Daddy of the cosmos this a good time to perform any money rituals. Cancer rules Money, Capricorn rules stability, and success. So why not ask your cosmic parents for some money under this full moon!

I hope that you enjoyed our Full Moon email!

Talk to you soon! Happy Full Moon! 🥳🌕

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Gemini New Moon is Here To Add Some Fun To The Mix!

Happy New Moon! 🥳

Happy Gemini Season and Birthday to all of you Gemini’s who are apart of the tribe! As a Sagittarius sun, I love Gemini energy. As you being my opposite we always have the best time together and our conversations are epic!

This Gemini new moon is here to add some curiosity and fun to the mix while also helping you process the eclipse we just experienced. Yesterday the moon moved into Gemini at 9 degrees. In numerology 9 is the completion of a cycle. It is also a wise number. The wisdom comes from applying the knowledge that we’ve received during the eclipse. A lot of you may have facilitated some endings in the last few weeks. You may feel like you just went through hell and back but I’m here to tell you that it is normal to feel like you’ve just been snatched by your frontal lol this is because with eclipses comes great change but I’m here to tell you that everything that left needed to go so you can get to your next level so don’t cling to the past. This Gemini energy is here to help you bridge that gap by helping you find clarity and understanding on how to move forward.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication, business pursuits, travel, connections, and writing. 

If you know how to work with Mercury while in retrograde then you more than likely spent the retrograde refining things, re-evaluating things and tieing up loose ends. Now it’s time to set your intentions and make a move on your goals and ideas. Look for different opportunities for your business, relationships, and personal connections to grow and flourish. Gemini’s are known for their communication and conversation. Get out and network and talk to people. You never know who you’re talking to. 

We will all be able to benefit from this new moon energy however mutable signs such as Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo will feel this energy more than the other signs. Whatever house that you have Gemini in your natal chart are the themes that are going to affect you during this new moon. If you aren’t aware of where Gemini is in your natal chart you can find your free astrology report here. I’ve also included a chart of all the houses so you can know what the focus of the houses means for you. 

New moons are the perfect time to set your intentions while the sun and the moon are in complete alignment.  

Mercury is all about information, communication, and thinking, so definitely tap into it. Invest in your next level. Release old energy, accept new energy. 

Gemini New Moon Ritual 

“Write it down and make that shit real 💫”

Write down both your short and long term goals  

Write down …What matters to you? What changes do you need to feed your soul? 

What do you want to have more of? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had? What makes you happy?

Crystals to work with: Lapis lazuli, or clear quartz 

Herb: thyme gives you direction for your soul. Also supports high vibes and expansion. 

New Moon Goddess Card Pull:

Goddess of leveling up 

Queen Yaya Asantewaa was apart of the Ashanti Tribe and is the Goddess of leveling up ✨

Queen Yaya Asantewaa was a mother, farmer, and warrior Queen who led the war of the Golden Stool. Which was a throne of the Ashanti empire, holds regents Lea, life force energy 


Raise your standards. A leap forward for one is a leap forward for the tribe. Your choices can raise the frequency of your community and the planet. 

Time to level up. This is your season for a quantum leap. You have prepared for this. Life does not have to be linear, and neither does growth. A quantum leap feels drastic and huge. But the secret is that quantum leaps happen little by little. So what inspired actions to help you level up? Connecting to spirit with rituals, movement, meditation, and visualization is a great start. 

Goddess Declaration:

“divine timing is on my side” 

Happy New Moon! Restock on your wellness products when you shop our 👉🏾 New Moon Restock 🛍

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