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Using Amla 🌺 for Fertility

Peace and Divine love to you all! I’ve decided to add a Fertility Herb of the Week to my blog! So every week you’ll be able to come in here and see what herbs we mention to help you lovely ladies on your fertility/ womb healing journey. Today we’ll be talking about Amla. 🌺

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), also known as Indian gooseberry, comes from a tree that is sacred to both the Hindus and Buddhists of India.

Considered a master medicine and has many benefits for the feminine body. Amla is known to be a tonifying berry known for strengthening and toning the liver and the uterus. We all know that a woman’s uterus needs to be strong and functioning properly so that she can carry and also be able to push out a baby so amla is a great herb that can help those with uterine fatigue.

Amla also increases sexual desire and can help us overcome fertility challenges in both men and woman. It’s a great herb used to regulate a women’s menstrual cycle, shrinks fibroids and helps to balance the mind and body if you’re suffering from stress or fatigue. .

Amla is also great for those who’re anemic. Making it a great detox for both your liver and your blood. It’s a very high antioxidant and a great herb to use if you’re thinking of doing a fertility cleanse. In beauty Amla is a great natural alternative for promoting hair growth and reversing greys, making it a great hot oil treatment.

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